
Having problems with LimeWire?

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I have been using LimeWire to get mp3's for over a year with no problems. I tried using it today for the first time in a month and it wouldn't work. I had no "connection" strength. The little bars on the bottom left were all red except for the first one. I could not download anything. I went to their troubleshooting page and followed the directions on what to do for this problem with no luck. I did not change any settings on my firewall or security programs since the last time I used LimeWire. I even uninstalled and reinstalled - same problem. I installed FrostWire and it works, but I don't like it as much - having trouble finding songs that work. Anyone have any suggestions?




  1. LimeWire and FrostWire are basically the same thing.  They both are a peer-to-peer file sharing (P2P) client for the Java Platform, which uses the Gnutella network to locate files as well as share files.

    FrostWire (free version) actually gives you more than LimeWire (free version) including connecting to more sources.

    Click the link below for the LimeWire wiki and possible troubleshooting steps.

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