
Having problems with a boy...?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so this was a boy i was friends with for a long time, when we were not rlly close friends and he had a girlfriend he asked his girlfriend to give me my first kiss and she said yes, and he kissed me, which made me sad because he ruined the moment i wanted to remember forever. And then a couple weeks later he kissed me 3 more times...on the lips, that was a long time ago and i had no reaction when he kissed me

now again he kissed me because i thought i liked him and that i wanted to be his girlfriend, but i was like rlly nervous and he did kiss me but i backed away rlly quickly, then a couple minutes later he kissed me again (we were alone) and it wasnt like a peck kind of kiss it was more like his lips overlapped my top lip and again i backed away and ever since then now i know i never even liked him my mind was just playing tricks on me but ive been acting different around him and he thinks we arent friends anymore, i told him i didnt like him anymore but i think he wants me too, i dont know what to do about him, please help, maybe share your stories with a guy?




  1. If you don't like this guy, don't force yourself to. He sounds like he's really wanting you if he keeps trying to kiss you. You are doing the right thing by pulling away, don't let him have his way if you don't want to. Tell him that you aren't ready to be anything with him, and if he doesn't understand, then tell him that you need your space and separate yourself from him. He sounds pushy, so watch out.

    I know what you mean about your mind playing tricks, there was a guy who liked me for a few years and I thought I liked him.. when I was in a relationship with him, I realized WOAHBABY I don't like him as much as I thought. He's a sweetie though, which makes me so confused. You know? Aha. But you don't want to be in that situation, you need to know what you want and honor yourself. Don't let something start with him if you don't want it to because you don't want to be in that position, avoid it!! Listen to your heart, if it says it's not him, then don't get swallowed up with him, let him know that you don't like the kissing and touching and maybe he should just keep his lips to himself and get a different girlfriend. I hope that helped somehow, aha [:

  2. If you don't like him don't force yourself to. Just try to talk to him.

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