
Having problems with life, can anybody suggest helpful tips?

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Overall, I would consider my life pretty bad. No, I do not have the "Worst" life, but the fact that I am upset, unhappy, or angry 24/7 doesn't mean I should appreciate my current status. I play online video games often, and people really p**s me off, BAD. I cannot stand most of the people on this planet, but that is beside the point. I want to be open to a religion, however I cannot do so when I have no faith in anything.

What steps can I take to calm myself down? I do not want to take any medicine or commit to therapy, I'm just looking for steps that I will actually consider.




  1. for the religion part just pick up a christian bible and start reading John Philipians or james they are pretty straight forward Your outlook on life just depends on the way you look at it, believe me i know about getting really mad at people ugh they can be very annoying and immature... This can take a while (believe me i still have problems with it seeing my life is pretty bad too seeing that my mom died when i was twelve) but just try to find the best out of people and pretty much right now i am only here because of my Lord and savior Jesus Christ without him I probably would have commited suicide side it your opinion on your religion

  2. That's a bit similar to my situation... The things I did were:

    1.   Researched different religions until I was happy with my decision. Keeping in mind that it's not that big of a deal, and that I can change my mind. (I'm agnostic now, but I'm working on being able to have faith.)

    2. I realized that people weren't nearly as stupid as I thought they were. I mean, they think about different things, but they aren't thinking about nothing... Plus, if a person makes a mistake, they just don't know any better, so you should cut them some slack.

  3. I wish you would try therapy or medication, but there are other ways to get help I admit that.

    So to start I like your views a lot, the fact that you notice your life isn't the worst but at the same time seeing how it could be much better.

    If it is people online you are referring to when you say "people" then I have to say that a lot of people take out their own frustrations online on other people mainly because they don't have to face the person they are harassing. But if you mean humanity as a whole pisses you off then, I have to tell you that people are generally good. Although a lot of people have that good very very very far done in them it still exists and if not then, then at other some point in their lives.

    Also you can change your perception of people with changing who you are around or talk to, or just not think about all the bad people there are.

    As for you being unhappy, it is possibility that your depressed but that is a drastic conclusion. Another possibility is that you just focus some much on the bad that, that is all you think about making you unhappy.

  4. do you enjoy doing anything other than spending time on the internet?  i feel it could get lonely, and increase your irritability towards others. try changing your routine. get to know what things make you feel differently. it could be writing, drawing, hiking, buildin stuff, cooking, going on long drives etc.

    also how do you feel about animals? what about kids?

    i can understand how people p**s you off really badly. i kindof feel the same and it's b/c humanity is so..dumb (2say the least, and fake, and materialistic, and stressful, etc.) but i work with children and and honestly that's when i'm the happiest. b/c they're so pure still and make me laugh.

    i'm not sure exactly how your personality works, but hope my suggestions help you out a little.

    good luck.

  5. Why should anyone give you suggestions? you like being the way you are  or you would listen to people who tell you to get therapy. Therapy works when nothing else does!

  6. Go see and listen to this 30 min. online'll be amazed..I promiss :  

  7. you need to see someone so they can try and help u change your thinking patterns, try and count to ten in your head before u act violent so u see what u r gonna do first

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