i have an HP laptop i bought in 2007. it was working fine just yesterday but today when i turned it on the screen was fading from black to white to black again then had pink/blue/white/green lines on it. i turned it off and unplugged everything from it (mouse,key board, usb hub) then turned it back on. it turned on this time and it looked ok. i turned it off and tried to turn it on a half hour later and it did the same thing. i don't think its just the screen though cuz when it did actual turn on it started a scan of itself, like when you turn it off without shutting it down (the screen was all distorted though). i can't think of anything i downloaded recently that would have messed it up.
so if anyone has any information on what could be the problem that would be great. i don't have a warranty on it anymore or else i'd just take it back. i just want a general idea of what it is and how much its gonna cost to fix. thanks