
Having problems with progressive scan.?

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I am trying to get progressive scan to work with my xbox but whenever i use it, the picture either becomes a million diagonal lines or theres 2 of the same image, one on the left half of the screen and the other on the right side. I don't know what the problem is but the cables are connected correctly into the component slots and I am on the right channel (this channel can only be component). Can anyone help me get this right?




  1. Try using the i (interleave),  mode.

  2. Progressive, interlace, 480, 720, 1080 would never give you side by side images by being on the wrong setting.

    Set it up so you get the two images side by side then grab your television remote control and press the PIP button. Everything should be fine after that.

  3. Are you sure your TV supports progressive?

    And what progressive do you try: 480p, 720p, or 1080p?

    Your TV may not support the higher resolutions.

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