
Having real issues taking my 23mo. old off the binky.?

by  |  earlier

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i've manged to wean her down to naptime and bedtime, but we lost it the other day and i thought since i've been wanting to wean her off it completely, why not start now that it's lost? well, it has been ABSOLUTE h**l at nap and bedtime, and it seems she's even been unhappy since she hasn't had it. she's more willful and stubborn (if it's possible). i'm just having a hard time with her and feel like like i'm not handling it right. if you have a story or suggestion, plz share it with me.




  1. I saw an episode of supernanny one night that dealt with this issue.  What ended up doing was explaining that other kids needed "her" binky and could they put it in  a basket in the tree for the binky fairy to get? And in return the fairy would leave the child something special.  Now, this takes some preplanning and building up your child's excitement but would be worth it.  Discuss with them what she might possibly get from the fairy and search all through the house to gather up the binkys to put in the bag for the fairy.  

    The next morning you go to the tree, and discover that all the binky's are gone and there is a little gift (bear, sippy cup) to replace what the binky fairy has taken.

  2. I think you picked a good time- it was opportune since she had lost it.  Maybe take her to the store and let her pick out a new stuffed animal or blanket to cuddle with instead of her pacifier. Weaning off of a pacifier is tough at any time, so don't worry that you are handling it wrong. She's made it this far with out it, giving in will just make it harder next time you try to wean.

    Good luck!

  3. she will get over it try getting her attached to something like a favorite book or blanket just keep extras!

  4. i think things like the binky and the bottle are babies security blanket. and they still need these thigs at times. if you think about is since she was in the world she had her binky, bottles, and other things that babies have and slowly we take them all away from them kids get attached to binky's or blankies sometimes. think about it what if you were sent to out of space and eventually over a period of time everything you knew was taken what would you do??? i think you shold give it to her at bed times just to aid her. my father's a doctor and he told me there was nothing wrong with kids sucking a paci give it to her and let her be a kid she'll be ok

  5. I have been there!! As a matter of fact, we just got rid of my son's about a month ago. I can tell you that you are NOT alone!! My best advice is this: when she is ready you will know. Brady was almost 2 1/2, my sister was 3. Brady would play with his and throw it around and only wanted it when I made a big deal about it. I tried to get rid of it 4 months earlier, but it was not the time, and I could see that it stressed him out. So I waited, until I saw the signs. When I decided to do it I just took it away.... that was that, yes, there was crying but I redirected his attention and so after about 4 days we were fafa free (fa fa is what he called it), there were certain times when he asked for it and I explained that he was a big boy and he threw it away!! He is fine now.

    remember that no one goes to college with them, when she is ready to give it up she will. You are doing great, I am learning this is tough times! Good luck!!

  6. well, after reviewing the responses I have a disagreement with Super Nanny advice: We have enough fibs to our children about Easter bunnies, Tooth fairies, Man in the moon etc that we don't need to add another "Binkie Fairy"

    Anyhoo, if you can stick it out, since it is lost, then do that.  She needs to find another way to soothe herself.  I took binkies away at 12 months, when they were ready to drink from cups.  If you must get another binkie, or find the lost one, then snip a hole in the tip and she'll soon find out that she doesn't get the soothing sucking she's looking for.  You can start telling her yukky binkie and have her throw it away.

  7. I've taken both my girls' pacifiers 'cold turkey' (they were down to using it for nap and night time as well). I'll be honest- it is, as you called can be h**l. The best thing you can do is stick it out though. With my first daughter I got her to hug her bear and blanket and found that once her hands were busy with something else she fell asleep easier. I just took my second daughter's paci away in the end of April and we're *still* seeing the effects. It sucks (no pun intended)- it does. It's getting easier but from time to time she still asks about it three months later! But it's gone and eventually she'll (my daughter and yours)come to accept that as fact and things will return to normal.

    I wish you the best and truly know what you're going through. Know that you made the right decision (orthodontically and parentally) and to hang in there...

  8. just stick with it, she will forget about it soon. maybe you could replace it with another treat. maybe tell her since shes been so good about it (even though she kinda hasnt) you will let her pick out a new doll or stuffed animal or something. this should help alot and focus her attention on her new toy instead of the binky. haha.. my brother had his until he was about 4 and finally they told him if he got rid of it they would buy him a 4 wheeler ( battery operated) and he handed it right over. you just have to find the right thing to bribe her with. lol

  9. Not sure this is right but it's what I did.  I didn't worry too much until she was 3 years old.  Then we 'lost' it once in awhile on purpose.  Weaned her from it over months by giving it to her for a short time.  She got so she would suck it for a quick fix then give it to me.  This was also part of the moving to a big bed process.  Cannot sleep in the cool BIG bed with a binky!

  10. well you are doing better than i am!

    my daughter is 27 months, and im pregnant. SO i would looove to get mine off her binky and also get her potty trained. i think the potty training is going better than the binky!!!  LOL! it really is h**l to get her to go to bed without it. it seems like im the freakin binky now because she has a hard time sleeping without it.

    basically, i havent even weaned mine to just at bed time....she begs me for it during the day, so i finally give in and give it to her. alot of peopel tell me to wait until closer to when she is 3, but i really dont want 2 children on the binky.

    so your doing good i think weaning it for just bed time. but if you think you both can handle it just keep doing what youa re are the parent and just tell her no!!! its easier said than done though, huh?

    good luck!

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