
Having really bad cramps but I'm allergic to pain medications. are there any home remedies?

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Having really bad cramps but I'm allergic to pain medications. are there any home remedies?




  1. Nettle Tea buddy ........ Nettle is an herb very high in vitamin K, which guards against excessive bleeding. Nettle improves kidney function neutralizes uric acid, preventing its crystallization, aiding in its elimination from the system, thus relieving gout and arthritis. Nettle is useful as a tea for anemic children, due to its nutritive value....... so will also increase your energy & fatigue levels... Nettle is also high in minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, sodium, copper, manganese, chromium, and silicon (silicon is great for your hair and nails too). Nettle is also used as an astringent to help stop bleeding and to reduce menses flow............. that time of the month has never been so good. Nettle is also a blood purifier and assists in lowering blood pressure.

    The magnesium content of the nettle herb is quite rich and will help enormously in relieving your cramping and with any  stress, constipation, bloating, any headaches and moodiness ........ try it, it's fabulous......  magnesium is needed in our bodies for healthy nerve and muscle functioning and foods and herbs rich in it will relieve cramping, back pain, constipation, headaches, stress for you.

    foods rich in magnesium are ~ leafy and green vegies, organic nuts and seeds like almonds and brazil nuts, bananas, wholegrain cereals and breads (if you can tolerate wheat) and fish like salmon and tuna.

    Check out this link it may be usefull for you ~

    Really and truly, try the nettle tea, works for me and i used to have hideous monthy pain & cramping & exhaustion .... ;0)

    Simply go get yourself some of the loose leaf, organic variety of the herb from the health food store and put 1 - 2 teaspoons full into a teapot and top with hot water.... leave to brew for 10 - 15 minutes and drink up.........  only  organic will do as the commercial varieties have had so much of the essential oils pulverised and processed from them that they could never possibly be of any therapeutic value........ ensure you still brush your teeth regularly too or the tea may stain your precious pearly whites.

    Please also ensure that you still drink plenty of fresh filtered water as nettle is a natural diuretic..... at least 2 - 3 litres of fresh filtered water daily.

    This link will provide you with more information on herbs and their uses ~

    hope this helps u

    peace 2 u

  2. Check this link:

  3. A heating pad always feels good, and the yoga "cat pose" helps me.  I'd research any herbs before taking them since you're allergic to pain should be really careful.

    Good luck!!

  4. alternate movement with heat ...  movement is to try and stretch the muscles or cause kind of an internal massaging affect, walking and jogging really help me ...

    be careful with the herbals some have listed, google them for chemical relation to the kind of pain killers you are allergic too ...  a lot of pain killers come from natural sources ...  such as aspirin from willow bark ...

  5. drink ALOT of water, chamomile tea, and take a bath or jacuzzi. tiger balm or icy hot works pretty well too.

  6. you can always use a heating pad or a hot bath those always help

  7. Pickle Juice or Yerba Buena leaves

  8. Are you allergic to all medications, or just anti-inflammatory drugs? I am severely allergic to anti-inflammatory medications and because of my dysmenorrhea my doctor prescribes me percocet. If you can take tylenol (acetaminophen) you can ask your doctor if there is something they can give you like tylenol 3 or a narcotic that isn't as strong,  but will help with your cramps.

    Also, definitely go to your pharmacy and buy those heating pads by thermacarethat you can stick right onto your body. I have noticed that the neck and shoulder ones are best for mentstrual cramps than the ones made for menstrual. The menstrual ones only can stick to your underwear (and unless you are wearing granny panties- it is hard to adhere; the neck and shoulder ones have little side tabs that can stick right to your skin and you can keep it exactly where you want it! Also, I have tried the no name brands and the thermacare is the best. They are so much better than heating pads and you can move around. Also, you can try to sit in a warm bathtub for a little bit, but it will only help for so long, ya know?

    They are coming out with different types of medicines these days and I would definitely inquire with your doctor about other options so you do not have to be in pain. Also, I know some women get worse cramping while wearing a tampon- you could try switching back and forth between a pad.

    I hope you feel better!

  9. Angelica root,black haw, rosemary,cramp bark,kava kava, and red raspberry  may alleviate cramps.

  10. Some of these have worked very well for me.  Here ya go

  11. I buy viactin which are this chocalate candy things & they may be more expensive than  calcium but calcium gets rid of cramps. I would make sure I drink enough water & I eat an apple everyday dipped in peanut butter as a snack this is so I am not constipated (the peanut butter is for protein) so good health all around helps but calcium is they key.

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