
Having reoccurring violent nightmares?

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What does it mean if you constantly have violent dreams?

I am in no way violent or have a violent nature. I am very humble.

But lately, I've been having these really bad nightmares that involves a lot of violence. It's either, I see something violent happening or I am the one acting in a violent manor.

So far, I have had 5 violent dreams and have mostly been having nightmares.

Could this be due to stress?

I have been stressed out a lot lately but I just don't understand why I would be having these dreams.




  1. !st of all...Your nic is on my  2nd...Dreams are just that dreams...A story in the news, a tv in the background, anything at all can throw you into a dream.  The truth is...the dreams we have that seem like all night dreams...are very few seconds.  We have so many, we don't remember them all.  I will say this...I have a couple of dream that makes feel I have been there and actually lived the dream...I don't know if I had a life before, but some thinks so.  Most of my dreams are the violent h**l I grew up be thankful yours isn't real.  Try plying some soft music on low and go to sleep....Hope it works.  I would not worry about's the ones from you past the haunts you wven when

  2. dreams are always based around lost thoughts

    emotions and stress

    it could be a night tremor which some people get

    some people with this "night tremor" problem learn how to have control over their nightmares

    if it continues try writing it down and putting it against a dream dictionary.


  3. Youre letting the stress out of you in these dreams by commiting horrible things violently killing massacring You in fact are trying to relive from all that negative energy drawn to you by this stressful things that happend around you ! Who is your  victim in the nightmares and do you feel that that person deserves it !

    Its stress related so it will be gone if you find a way to deal  with stress in real life !

  4. there are 2 ways to answer your question. the first way is through psychology. basically psychology states that dreams are our minds expressing repressed emotions through a situation that revolves around those emotions. dreams can also stem from stress in the real world. you can immediately tell if your dreams are stress related because your dreams reflect or encompass events that revolve around that particular stressor. however, usually violent dreams can signify a strong negative emotion, for example if you have strong negative emotions towards a person, your dreams may be violent towards that person. dreams are also messages about an unresolved issue in the waking world. if you can figure out what that is your dreams may stop.

    the second way to answer this question is via a dream dictionary. there are many online sites that offer dream interpretations. in order for you to get a full blown detailed explanation, you'll have to recall your dream in extreme details. search for every last bit of details of your dream, from colors to emotions to whats going on and whats in your dream. every last bit of information you can define will give you a better picture of what your dream means.

    finally through psychology, there is a 3 step way to put an end to nightmares. its called image rehearsal. basically in the first step you have to write down your dream with every last bit of detail you can remember. then rewrite the dream into something happy and less violent. then finally before you sleep, reread the new dream and picture it in your mind, get every last detail in your mental picture before you sleep. it will take practice, and it wont happen the first time you do it.

    hope this helps you get better dreams ^_^

  5. I believe that the reason you are having nightmares is indeed the stress you are facing. Perhaps the characters in your dreams symbolize the stress factors. For e.g a murderer in your dream could represent the IRS in life, the zombie could represent your dead beat boss who you feel doesn't have a life, the woman running you down could represent your mom and an existing conflict or tension that exists between you both.

  6. According to my dream book:

    Causing violence means that you are frustrated about something but are holding it therefore it comes out in your dreams.

    Seeing violence means you have anxiety about something.

    "our violence is caused by emotions taking us over: and such emotional take-overs are the result of frustrated healthy desire"

    Anyway, that's what MY book says; I am sure someone else or another book may have a different interpretation. It could be that you saw a violent scene in a movie or overheard something violent on the news, or something and it disturbed you. Right now is back to school time... so maybe that's it. Even if you are not in school, it can still trigger that feeling from back when you were in school...I know I get extremely excited about stationary and clothes this time of year... :)

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