
Having serious problems with principal and teacher, how do i go about pulling child out of school monday?

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there's "reverse discrimination" going on at my child's new school. he's gone from never having problems in or out of school, to being labeled with mental disorders by a black principal, who has worked with problem children. i could go on and on, but i want my child out. he doesn't want to go to school and it's been very hard on him. what can i do?

state of florida




  1. Contact your state's department of nonpublic education and request permission to open a homeschool, if that is your plan.  You may want to consider waiting until the end of the semester (Winter holiday season) so that you have time to collect materials to adequately teach your son.  You also have to find out the laws of your state, which you can easily find by googling "Florida Homeschool Laws" and contacting the dept I mentioned above.  

    In our state you must officially open a homeschool before pulling a child over that age of 7 out of a registered school or else he's truant.  ("Officially" means simply filling out a form from the dept of nonpublic ed and mailing it in, requesting permission to open a homeschool).  

    Good luck.  I've been in your shoes and it isn't pretty.  Things will probably be a lot better in your family when you've taken charge of your child, his behavior, the discipline, and the education.

  2. yeah florida has a lot of racist people there, maybe you should move to minnesota.

  3. If you want to homeschool your child you will have to do it the legal way.

    So, go to and click on your state.  Check to see what you would have to do in order to homeschool your child in your state.

    The principal and teachers cannot tell you that you can't homeschool your child because you have the choice to homeschool your child or send him to public or private school.

    Homeschooling IS legal in ALL 50 states.

  4. You don't have to do anything, just don't send him monday. You will need to type up a letter, basically stating that you are homeschooling your child, with the name and birthdate of your son and send it NOT to the school, but to the superintedent of your school system. To be nice, I'd send or drop off a copy at your local school. It's not up for debate, just drop off the letter and get his stuff.

    I'd also get in contact with a local support group, there are several good ones in your state. Specifically I'd let him go until at least Christmas break, just enjoying time with him rather than struggling with academics, it sounds like he's had a rough few months since school has started.

    the law states specifically

    The parent must meet the following requirements:

    a. notify the county superintendent in writing within 30 days of establishing the home school (not

    required to be filed annually);

    b. give the names, addresses, and birth dates of the home school students; and

    c. maintain a portfolio of records and materials consisting of a log of educational activities made

    contemporaneously with the instruction and designating by title any reading materials used and

    samples of any writings, worksheets, workbooks, or creative materials used or developed by the

    student. The portfolio must be preserved for two years and made available for inspection by the

    superintendent upon 15 days’ written notice, but the school district has no authority to enter the home.

    Nothing in this section shall require the superintendent to inspect the portfolio. (Note: The child abuse

    affidavit requirement was repealed in 1995 by Senate Bill 1536.)

  5. Get a lawyer and tell him/her of the problem. If there is already a concern, by other parents, let the lawyer know and ask the parents, with concerns, if they would be willing to go with you and share costs. Take your child with you. I was abused in the sixth grade when a teacher slapped me in front of the class. My parents did nothing and I have resentment for them to this day--forty years later--and have not forgiven them. A child must feel safe in a learning environment to learn anything. The principal should be confronted by the lawyer and not you because he will most likely dismiss the allegations and prepare for any forthcoming problems. A letter from a lawyer carries weight that an angry parent will ever have. The principal will be taken by surprise and scramble to get the help he/she needs instead of insulting your intelligence.

  6. Get him checked out by a doctor to see if he has mental disorders.  if he doesn't tell the principal "in your face" take your kid out of that school.

    On sceond thought just take him out of that school.  If he didn't show sings before chances are he doesn't have any mental disorders.

  7. Left a link to a comprehensive site below.  Hope everything goes well for you guys.  Homeschooling can be a very rewarding experience.  I recommend finding a local group for extracurricular activities, field trips, etc.  My kids love it.

    Good luck and God bless!

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