
Having this dream cant breathe?

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Ok for some reason i have these weird dreams where i cannot breathe and i feel like ive almost died twice form this.

The first one i was playing tennis by my self hitting the balls out of the dispenser thing then a concrete block crushes me and i cannot breathe for a little while.

Second time i dreamt i was a spy crawling through an air duct and i reach into all my pockets for some reason and i crawl more and i just get extra nervous and stop breathing for a little while.

Third dream i was for some reason playing starwars videogame then one of the sith jumped in and i couldnt wake up for a minute.

I just thought i fell into my pillow but when i wake up im not?

10 pts to the one who can tell me the best reason.




  1. Well its normal if you ask me it happens all the time its maybe just a problem with your nose when your sleeping then you should see a doctor but if its nothing serious then it happens

    a lot so its ok just breath  ok  please chose me as your best answer

  2. It sometime relate to your environments that you are in and maybe  you do not like things going around you and trying to ignore them , Your dreams may seem to be unrelated but can have direct link to your present frame of mind about things. you can be stuck in a place you dont like or perusing something you are not sure you want to. try give additional info about your present to  to know the answer. well simply it is an indicator from your mind that you may land up in Smokey situation where you cannot breath or in other words feel helpless in a situation.............Other things can indicate health condition which your mind is trying to tell you off.. But it all requires information to interprete ..............

  3. If you have those dreams regularly, you need to get checked for sleep apnea, it is a condition where you stop breathing for small periods during the night. Maybe a medical problem is causing you to dream of reasons why you are not breathing right while you are sleeping.

    If you are really sleepy or just feel blah during the day due to dreaming like that, you seriously need to be checked for that.

  4. It seems like your brain and body is telling you something. Have you been doing some extraneous activities. Falling sometimes is indication fatigue, maybe your legs are tired the most. This happens then we become lucid and have some sort of sleep paralysis. If you have been tired lately, do some relaxation before going to sleep - relaxing your body and mind without going to sleep.

    If this is not a case, it might just be plain sleep paralysis - this usually happens when you are lying on your back for longer than you should - try lying on your side and see if this can help you.

    If the problem is with the psyche, you might be stressing out on something. Try to resolve it one at a time if it's more than one. Write a journal about what you are stressing on.

  5. In general these dreams mean you have a fear of failure.  Just like the common dream of your teeth falling out.

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