Ok, my xbox 360 is hooked up directly to the second NIC card on my computer via a cat5 crossover cable. I've been able to connect just fine for the past few days without changing of my firewall settings. But a few hours ago I could not connect anymore, and when I did the connection test again it gave me this...
Network Adapter: Wired
IP Address: Confirmed
DNS: Confirmed
MTU: Confirmed
I'm using mcafee, and when I did some searching and found that I needed to enable the ports: 88 UDP, 3074 TCP, and 3074 UDP.
I enabled them...and got nothing. Still the same "XBOX LIVE:Failed"
I know it has something to do with mcafee firewall because whenever I disable it I can connect perfectly.
I'm running Windows Home Edition if that helps any.
All help is very much appreciated...thanks.