
Having trouble getting short hits?

by  |  earlier

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i play DS/L, and i have the most trouble getting balls hit short.

im not talking about really short, but maybe a few feet in front of me.

i was told to collapse to my knees and push myself foreward, but i dont have enough time to think about it.

is there any exercises i can do to work on this? or what should i work on?




  1. ok so if its only like a couple feet in front of you but its a hard down ball or spike you could try a pancake. its a dive forward but you just reach your arm out and lay your hand flat. if you get underneath the hit it should pop the ball up. otherwise try lke a barrel roll dive.

  2. Just practice. Have a friend or someone throw a couple of balls to you everyday a couple feet in front of you and you have to get them and successfully bump them.

    You just want to get square in front of it and bump it. Make sure you bend your knees.

    My problem is usually when it's really tight though, not when it's far away.

  3. i'ma ds too. my motto is "no hesitation"

    i don't think about the floor, or where my teammates are. all i think about is the ball. i don't even pay attention to my feet. all ineed to do is get to the ball

    it's not something people can teach you. it's an instict and you learn it over time

  4. You need to retrain yourself.

    If the ball is a few feet in front of you, you need to take a couple of steps forward for the pass instead of collapsing to your knees. That is a bad, bad habit to get into. Have your coach really work with you on that/yell (well, remind haha) you.

    Drills? Just work on tipping drills. Have three people in the back and have the rest of the team on the other side of the net for hitting. Have everyone tip/hit/roll the ball over the net. If you collapse to your knees or whatever, get "punished" by running a couple of suicides.

    The more you drill into yourself, "Collapsing=Punishment", you'll soon learn how to use your quick feet to get to the ball!

  5. NO NO NO NO NO!!!! dont fall 2 ur knees!!!!

    do mor of a lunge.... ull hav mor control  and wil b able 2 reach farther

    and no there really is no exercise 4 it..... just practice practice practice!!!!!

    hope this helps

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