i work part time at this japanese restaurant.
there're this mom & daughter who used to come maybe 2 times a month.
they usually eat like $20 total (which is pretty cheap for 2), and they always ask for BOWL of ginger and BOWL of ponzu (this special sauce). they think they can have ALL THE ginger & ponzu in this restaurant for free. so last time, i had to charge $1. and they complained like crazy. so i explained that this is not "all you can eat restaurant". and they stopped coming, which is really not a problem at all,
and today, they showed up in our restaurant again! they stepped in, and 1st thing mom yelled "1st, i gotta tell you, you are the ONLY japanese restaurant who charges for ginger and ponzu!"
i was like "well, i don't know which japanese restaurant you go to, but we use authentic japanese product, and we can't give you BOWL of ginger for free"
so i only gave them maximum of free ginger i can.
later, they ate all the ginger, and asked me "can i get a liiittle more without charging?"
i was like OH MY GOD!! what da h**l's your problem??!! you don't even have a buck?!
i really don't want to see them again, (owner and other employee hate them too), what should i do?
oh my god they're soooo cheap!! they don't even have $1?!