
Having trouble with hard contact lenses?

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Does anyone out there wear hard contact lenses? I have a rare eye disease called keratoconis that requires I wear hard contacts. I am having alot of trouble getting used to them and was wondering if anyone could share their success stories with me. Or, if anyone has this same eye problem, perhaps they could share their story as well.




  1. Actually, keratoconus isn't all that rare. There are approximately 165,000 diagnosed cases in the US alone.

    You are probably fairly new at the treatment with your RGP lenses....and they can be very difficult to get adapted to for the first few weeks.

    Use your conditioning solution often.

    Most people take about a month before most of the problems associated with fitting comfort get better.

    I presume you have several follow up visits scheduled with your Dr. to make sure everything is going as expected.

    It takes patience and determination for awhile...but once it settles down, you will hardly know they are there.

    Best of luck to you, I hope the treatment works and stops the progression.

  2. I would get soft contact lenses. I had hard contact lenses and they  hurt my eyes really badly. I then found out they are really bad for your eyes.

  3. Ok, if you want to really really have great vision and extreme eye comfort, i strongly suggest that you look into mini scleral lenses. These lenses sit on the white part of your eye called the sclera and push your cornea back into shape using pressured saline. Contact my optometrist - Mcmonnies and Boneham, (02) 9264 6784 in Market st, Sydney. Here is their website

    Call them and tell them James told you to look into mini scleral lenses, trust me, you will never look back once you get these lenses. This optometrist is well regarded as the best in Australia. I hace Keratoconos and wear the lenses and it is great. Hard contacts RGP lenses are painfull and cumbersome, and dont continue to put up with them. Good luck, and just remember the medical field is makin HUGE progress in treating keratoconus, and I really believe a cure is getting closer.

  4. If you can use glass's. If can't or don't want to, talk to your doctor. Maybe he/she can help you as in place some fuild on the lense. Good luck!

  5. Use glasses.

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