
Having trouble with leads?

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Hey there, I'm having trouble with my leads, I know how to tell if I have them if I'm able to look down, but lately my trainer has been not letting me look down. (Long story.)A nd we are working on 'feeling' for them, and honestly, I don't know what lead I'm on, I just feel him cantering. D: ANy tips on how to feel them?




  1. One of you're hips go forward more when you canter. Whichever one does is what lead you're on. It's a very slight difference, but you should be able to tell.

  2. Well this kinda involves looking down, but not as much, I once read in an article that whichever lead you are on, that leg swings a little bit more than the other, so if you're trying to canter on the right lead and your left leg is swinging more, then you need to switch leads. Hope this helps!

  3. Since she isn't letting you look down then I would suggest glancing down at his shoulder... If you haven't noticed before, whenever they are in the correct lead their entire shoulder moves...

    So when you start your circle to the right, look at his right shoulder if it is more raised and working harder then the left shoulder you will know. His left shoulder (if your going right) will be lower...

    Even when your trainer is not around lunge

    your horse and concentrate on watching his shoulder movements... Watch everything about him, learn his movements so you will know when he is off key.

    Hope this helped

    Good Luck

  4. the easiest way would be to wait until your in a corner, it'll either feel right (correct lead) or like you and the horse are about to fall over (wrong) lol..

    another way would be to feel which one of your hips is foreward, if its the inside him then its more then likely that your on the correct lead. (though this isn't fool proof)

  5. I would say just get yourself on the wrong lead, canter a bit to get the feel for that, and then go on the correct lead.  Just look down and find out then concentrate on what you feel.  Thats how I learned.  If you are usually on the right lead, when you are on the wrong lead, it feels funny.  Good luck!

  6. You should eventually learn to feel your leads because the horse feels more balanced on the correct lead. You can especially feel it when going around a corner. If you're having trouble finding the feel, practice it by making circles. Your horse will feel unbalanced if he is on the wrong lead. Once you can tell in a circle, then try to maintain that feel on the straight lines. It will come more and more easily to you with practice and experience. Good luck :)

  7. If your horse is cantering on the wrong leg, it should be noticeable, as others have said, through the 'feel' of the horse.

    If he is on the wrong leg, (which shouldnt usually happen but it does some times) it will feel kind of choppy and not 'flowing'.

    As someone else said too, without actually moving your head downwards while he's picked up the canter, glance down at the shoulder with your eyes, and if he is on the right leg his inside shoulder will be ahead of the other.

    Good Luck

  8. I don't have any tips really, but after doing it long enough without looking you will know almost instantly which one youre on. It's a thing you learn by feeling it.

  9. if youre bareback its easier to feel.... but you can in a saddle as well.. what i do if im not sure is completely relax my waist/hips/thighs/legs/ect. and if he/she is on the right lead, my right leg with rock farther forward than my left. like my hips get turned so my right side is forward more. then if he/she is on a left lead my left leg will be farther forward... after a little while you will be able to just slightly relax and feel the difference in your hips.. good luck!

  10. You can feel what lead you are on by noticing which one of your hips is more forward. If your right hip is more forward that your left one, you are on the right lead.

  11. look with your eyes just move your eyes dont mve your entire head to look for your lead. when you look, look at  your horses shoulders NOT their legs.  you will be able to see just from their shoulders moving which lead they ar eon and if it is the correct one or not

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