
Having troubles finishing?

by Guest63416  |  earlier

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Recently I've been having troubles finishing near the basket, especially on pick and rolls and receiving passes while I'm cutting. It's the basketball off-season so I'm not working out with a team, I'm having these problems in pick up and stuff. It's very concerning, in the past few weeks I've blown countless layups, it basically has eliminated my inside game. I've spent time on my own and with others just working on it, but I'm afraid it's more of a mental problem. I was just wondering if you guys have any ideas. I'm willing to try anything.




  1. I always finish... but anyway, I guess just practice, try to figure out what part of the backboard u should aim for, so it goes it when it bounces.

  2. basketball is a mainly mental game if you have fear then you wont succeed try dribbling a ball and practicing driving and ahve peopel bump you not to hard so you like injure yourself but keep practicin day and night and think positive not negative

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