
Having weird dreams every night???

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for the past 2 weeks, every night i have been having dreams that i'm pregnant...some nights its a boy, others its a girl..and sometimes more than one. also in the dreams not anything bad happens but i have awful feelings during them. I'm not sure what they mean since i alreayd have a 2 year old daughter and have been careful not to get pregnant. I just dicussed these dreams with my fiance and he says he hasnt been dreaming but for the past several days he has had odd/bad feelings like something is going to happen. I wouldnt mind if i did happen to get pregnant except that this wouldnt be the time really..but i still wouldnt care. its the feeling we have both been gettting that concern me...anyone have any suggestions as to why? it would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Your dreams seem very much rooted in stress - perhaps from the very thing you say that you "wouldn't mind", perhaps something related to it.  More succinctly, your dreams are borne of doubt.

    It sounds as though you have a wonderful family - I'm sure it is.  

    Dreaming of pregnancy does not necessarily have to do with impending pregnancy, desired or otherwise - it is more the theme of your feelings about it that give life to the backdrop of boys or girls, awful feelings where nothing bad has happened, etc.  

    You indicated having taken care not to get pregnant - but "wouldn't mind" if you did - which equals "doubt" in a big way.  How would your fiance feel about it - truly?

    As said, such dreams may not be about pregnancy at all - they can be of new things to come and how we feel about them.  Of course they can also be very much about pregnancy - something you've thought of consciously.  But, in this dream there are two clear possibilities you must face:

    - Is this relationship truly as happy as you indicate?  Do you both truly see a good future together, clearly?  The 'pregnancy dream' can illustrate the 'ultimate challenge to happiness' - where a questionable bond exists, children arriving will shed light on the seams.  To feel ill at ease with the arrival of a fine baby can have to do with such doubt.  I don't say 'this is the case' - merely that it is a possiblity that you must consider in heart and mind, most honestly.

    The other -

    - Pregnancy.

    You already know from experience with a two year old what a delight - and challenge - babies are.  Everything changes - as much as they are loved and welcome.  It IS a big deal.  Even though we can 'handle it' or 'wouldn't mind' it is far easier to handle the news and event when the blessed event is clearly 'desired'.  It is not as easy and we do not feel the same way when 'this wouldn't be the time really' - that is the stuff of 'odd/bad' feelings that fiances can get.

    It might be tougher to explain your fiance's thinking in terms of any connection to the dream - except that a common concern seems to drive your dreams and his own odd feelings.  It is doubtful that either of your feelings are due to a premonition of some dreadful thing to come with an unplanned child.  It does appear that those feelings have to do with the apparent doubt that is present - that can be a palpable force, however invisible it seems logically.  

    Despite your being "careful not to get pregnant" somehow that possibility seems to be there - and you both seem to sense it.  Note that you mention that 'you' wouldn't mind, even though it's not 'the time really'.  

    Consider these two points - what is your fiance's real thinking on this?  Is it time or not in his mind?  Perhaps 'really, no' - think of that and the stress that can come out of doubt.  Again, 'odd/bad feelings' can easily come out of that sense of something that is 'going to happen' when the potential event really is not wanted.

    Consider too the dreaming actualization of your own dreams - birth, no problems - boy or girl, doesn't seem to matter - but 'awful feelings' accompany.  Would this child be a bit out of place at the moment?  Despite your written assurances, this feature of the dream may well be a projection of the feelings you fear would come if pregnancy did occur.

    Take a good look at your means of prevention - is it truly reliable, or is there something in it that leaves doubt?  Perhaps you have doubts while your fiance isn't consciously aware of the limits of whatever method you are using - but your doubts can easily convey to another so close to you.  A concern over timing of your intimacy, reservation at times, light-hearted talk about the possibiity - even unspoken cues carry clearly to one who is lovingly intimate with you.  It does not take a psychic to make the connection if this is the case - it would be all over him when you are together.  

    Beyond that, if you ARE pregnant - sometimes that is strongly sensed before proven as well - and again, the close connection between you would tip him off in a subliminal way quite easily.  That would be another consideration - and would take away some of the need to wonder about the dream except to assure you that it is most unlikely that your feelings have anything to do with some coming peril to the child.  In this case it is far more likely that you will have a healthy baby, I pray, to love and care for even though it isn't really 'the time'.

    In short - your dream is nudging you to carefully look at doubts of any sort in this relationship.  Not to be sordid or discouraging, but again - the health of it as you sense it in heart and observe it in mindful reflection - and, apparently to really consider this possibility of pregnancy and whether it is wise.  With that latter point of course will come the needed consideration of what additional action may be needed to eliminate doubt as to its possibility.  

    Should you truly find the relationship sound (excellent - I hope it is so) but find that you have failed to prevent pregnancy, the dream then becomes a wake-up call advising you and your fiance to work past the negatives of timing and circumstance and plan to embrace another little one between you.  The 'awful... odd/bad' feelings must be dealt with for a positive outcome.

    Take the dream then as a gift of alerting you to this need of firm direction, whatever the driving cause of doubt.  

    Do not fear what is not indicated - 'something awful' to do with that child - that is not on the canvas in this dream - it is truly the mutual state of doubt between you and your fiance that is.

    All the best to you for happiness.

  2. I think you should pray about it. Ask Jesus Christ to protect you and your fiance from all harm and danger and ask him to explain to you clearly what that dream means. Oftentimes God gives us warnings about something that will happen so that we can prepare for it or do something to change it. By the way why not take a pregnancy test just to ensure that you are not pregnant. Also as well pray for the safety of your daughter too.

  3. well dreams come from your unconscious worries.Soo you must be extremely worried about getting pregnant.More then u think!

  4. Your brain is rumenating over some new idea.  Pregnancy is about new life and a change, usually positive, and is about ideas and projects.

    consider that your discomfort may be making your fiance uncomfortable.  

    Take a pregnancy test to make sure.  But this is about a new step in your life.  

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