
Having wisdom teeth removed?

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Well tomorrow i have to get my wisdom teeth removed and i am scared and nervous to the point of almost crying. They said that i need to not eat and all the stuff before surgery and told me to wear short sleeves so they could put an iv drop.

Is an IV drop really necessary because i'm not good with needles into my body and such. If it is necessary could they do it after i went to sleep?

For the anesthesia can it be from the mask and not through a needle, again not a big fan on needles.

After the surgery i'm going to feel bad and they said i will have a gauze in my mouth anybody know what it is and how big it is? I'm not good with having that in my mouth probably and me being me might gag.




  1. Just relax and don't stress out about it. It's nothing to worry about. I really hate dental work, so getting a surgery in my mouth was no fun for me to think about either. But I just had four of my wisdom teeth removed 3 weeks ago and I can tell you that it is not worth worrying about.

    They will give you a gas mask for oxygen and they also say they will give you some laughing gas. Most of the time, the laughing gas will make you feel a bit light-headed and relaxed so you won't even notice if they put the IV in you. For me, the laughing gas had no effect on me so I was completely conscious for the IV. The surgeon put a rubber band around my arm so they could see the veins more clearly and it was a tiny pinch and the IV was injected. It feels just like a small shot. And yes, the IV is injected through a shot, and has to be. You will fall asleep in literally less than half a minute so you won't even get much of a chance to see or feel anything. The actual operation takes about 5-6 minutes per tooth. And after they are finished, it will usually take you about 10 minutes to wake up. But the whole thing really only feels like a minute.

    As long as you use general anesthesia, and take your painkillers on a tight schedule, and follow your doctor's instructions on post-operative care, you will be fine. I never had any pain with the surgery, and no swelling. So, don't worry about it. Your stressing out is actually the hardest part of the procedure. That's what will make you most uncomfortable. But trust me, once you get into that chair and they put you on the IV, you won't even get a chance to worry about it. You will fall asleep and a minute later, you're done and out of there. Really. But if you're really that scared for it, you can ask them to give you valium. It will relax you and make you less anxious and scared.

    The gauze is very small. It's like having a tiny cotton ball that you bite down on, on either side of your mouth. I gag real easily too, but it never gave me the tiniest feeling of needing to gag.

    This procedure was actually easier than going to the dentist for a regular checkup. I felt absolutely wonderful during the recovering stage. No pain, no swell, no complications.

    Good luck with your surgery and hope you have a fast recovery

  2. They inject the anesthesia into a part of the IV, so no, they couldn't do it after wards.

    And if you've never had an IV put in your arm before, it doesn't really hurt.

    But if you're really THAT nervous about it, just look away when they put it in, and think about something else.

    And they only roll up about 1 piece of gauze on each side, so it's not that bad, and hey it stops the bleeding.

    And if there's any discomfort, you get to take pain pills that knock you out.

  3. I am a nurse and last year my 18- year old son had all 4 of his wisdom tooth removed at one setting.

    Do not eat or drink after midnight as you will be given anesthesia.

    IV drip is very important, that's where they inject medication, to control the  pain, for sedation, or antibiotics administration.

    My son did not feel anything. It was done under conscious sedation. He too is scared of needles. He was asleep the whole procedure.

    Please follow post-extraction instructions if you don't want to have complications. You may have some bleeding. The gauze in your mouth is so you can apply pressure to the gum where the teeth were extracted. I'm sure you will be given instructions, medications to ease pain and hasten healing. Do not hesitate to call the dentist if you have any question. In our case the nurse called us the next day.

  4. I hate IVs also.

    But believe me when I was getting braces they had to take like four of my teeth out and out of everything i've been through I have had like 4-5 needles/shots in my mouth and you just have to make yourself go thought it.

    It'll be worth it.

    Good Luck!

  5. I had my wisdom teeth removed last year and it really wasn't bad. First they gave my laughing gas and then I was given anesthesia IV. I only had gauze in my mouth for the first day. My mouth was a little sore the first day and after that it was ok, but they will most likely prescribe you something for the pain. You'll be fine.

  6. First of all, suck it up princess. Needles and stuff like that aren't all that bad unless you think about it too much. It will be uncomfortable afterwords but its not unbearable. You'll be happier getting rid of them than keeping them in there?  

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