
Havnt left the house in 2 weeks since giving birth becouse....?

by  |  earlier

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I gave birth to a healthy 9ibs 8oz baby boy on the 17th. Then I would say after day 7 I started getting diareah...i feel fine im not sick it just hits quick my belly starts gurgling and i need to get their fast after im done i feel fine. SORRY LOL T.M.I.

I havnt ate anything different I only took stool sofners for the 1st 3 days. I havnt left the house cause i never know when its going to hit. does anyone know if this is a normal after birth side effect or should i get ahold of my dr?




  1. sounds like your lower g.i tract is irregular. i would seek advice of your doctor for Benefiber. this stuff changed my life.

    call the 1-800 number on the Benefiber bottle to get advice on how to wean into using it. if you take the full daily amount right off the bat you will have more problems. your body needs to adjust slowly to it. most docs don't inform you of this and Benefiber. but ask your doct first.

    it's not tmi to me.....i would not suggest stool softeners because they will just make more diarrhea. you need to get your digestive tract calmed down. also let your doc know of everything you are taking when u call.

    get well. i understand. take care.

  2. I would call the doctor.  Maybe you have a virus.  I don't think it has anything to do with giving birth.

  3. You may have some irritable bowel syndrome.  It could be due to your nerves with a new baby and all, but it could be something worth looking into.  I would call the doctor and at least ask about it.  It never hurts to ask just to be sure.  You never know until you ask.  That way if it is something then you can get it taken care of, and if it is nothing then you will know why it is happening and how long it will last.

  4. Contact your doctor.  I don't know why you might have felt you needed stool softeners, but if you still need to stay so close to the ladies' room, you might need some help from your physician.

  5. post Morton depression or lowered self esteem. or you might just need time to relax and get used to having a child. just let things flow. If you don't adjust look into seeing a shrink.

  6. I have never heard of this before. Call your DR

  7. It happens to some women because it happened to me. I had a c-section and I still had diarrhea for a little over a week after I returned home. I rest assure that every woman is different and if you feel that this isn't normal for a prolonged period of time or if it gets bothersome, just contact your OB.

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