
Haw high are the clouds in the sky ?

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in ( Feet ) or Meters please




  1. Based on height of the base,clouds can be classified as low(below 2000 metres),medium(2000 to 6000Metres) and high clouds(above 6000 meteres).This is only a general classfication.In fact clouds can form even on ground(fog is nothing but cloud on ground) and the vertical extent of the cloud(particularly that of cumulonimbus) may reach the tropopause(16 to 18 Kms near the equator) level.It can not grow above the tropopause as  the atmosphere becomes stable due to increase of temperature with height in the stratosphere because of absorption of UV rays by ozone layer.Further moisture content becomes negligible above the tropopause.

  2. There are 3 main layers of clouds

    1st layer up to about 3500 feet - these are usually cumulus clouds.

    2nd layer up to about 10000 feet - these are usually stratus type clouds.

    3 layer anything higher - these are usually cirrus clouds, usually made up of ice rather than water.

    When there is a rain storm with those huge billowy clouds, their bottom is around 1500 feet and the anvil looking top is around 20000 feet.

  3. They can range across a wide array of heights, from right on the ground (fog), to the high cirroform clouds over 60,000 feet above the ground.  The previous answers pretty well describe the basic heights.  I am ignoring the noctilucent clouds that typically exist much higher still.

  4. high altitudes- cirrus clouds

    medium altitudes- cumulus clouds

    low altitudes- stratus clouds

    i know this wasnt exactly what you were looking for.

  5. cumulus can be just a few thousand feet.

    Sirus clouds can go up to 50,000ft plus

  6. Cloud Group Cloud Height Cloud Types

    High Clouds = Cirrus Above 18,000 feet Cirrus



    Middle Clouds = Alto 6,500 feet to 18,000 feet Altostratus


    Low Clouds = Stratus Up to 6,500 feet Stratus




  7. Not very high most of the time, especially here in London.  The cloud base [ceiling] is usually around 3,000 feet or so.  Sometime it can be much higher.  If the ceiling drops much below 3,000 feet here then it will rain.


    Spacecraft will track Earth's highest clouds -

    Apr 12, 2007 ... Spacecraft will track Earth's highest clouds. Polar mesospheric clouds hovering

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    May 26, 2006 ... this year to study the highest and most mysterious clouds on Earth. ...

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    We all know about Kanas, don't we?

    Yeah a monster storm, then, "We're off to see the Wizard".

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