
Haw we can help kids to be good.?

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Haw we can help kids to be good.?




  1. keep on encouraging them to reach their potential - discipline them - give them responsibility and rules to abide by

    believe in them, provide and protect them, let them know how much they mean to you

  2. show them love and care.. be a good example.. teach them good values..

  3. Lead by example, try and avoid boredom, show them good morals. Keep them mentally active.

  4. Hard work. If you keep kid to busy to notice they can be bad, then they have to be good. Meany good kids I know have a lot of stuff to do. Games, homework clubs, team building, and job building. Volunteering at non-profits is always good. Find something the kid likes or is good at and build on it. IE if a kid loves dogs and cats then have them help at the ASPCA, if a kid likes to cook have them help at a soup kitchen, if they like babies have them help a working mom around the house or work in a teen parent day care. Kids can really take off and bloom with the right direction.

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