
Hawaii help?

by Guest66804  |  earlier

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The main reason for so many species in Hawaii being listed as endangered is?

human development kills them

human development destroys habitat

too many predators

not enough food




  1. Non native animal are destroying native plant and killing off native wildlife. Also human are hunting native birds for feather cloth or suits. Also half of the 140 original species of birds in Hawaii are now extinct.

  2. Because its small size.  and its enviroment is

    endemic—that is found nowhere else on earth. A single calamitous event, such as a hurricane, earthquake, or disease epidemic, could wipe out the entire population at one time. This also increases liklyhoods of inbreeding and thus genetic problems.

    all because they are only in that one single spot and that one single enviroment.

  3. human development destroys habitat.

  4. Human development destroys habitat.  This is the reason almost every endangered species on the planet is endangered.  Also, in Hawaii...when the birds are forced to lower elevations due to habitat destruction, they are bitten by mosquitoes that transmit avian malaria to them.  These mosquitoes cannot live in high elevations and used to never come in contact with these birds, but now that the birds have no where to go but has become an epidemic.  There are also many non-native plants and animals (feral pigs, mongoose, etc.) that affect the bird population negatively as well.

    Also, birds are not hunted for feathers in Hawaii..that would be a violation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Endangered Species Act.  Birds being killed for feathers stopped decades ago in the US.  It is illegal to even pick up a wild birds feather off the ground, let alone hunting birds for them.
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