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I was researching about tropical locations like the Bahamas and Hawaii. Has anybody ever been there? What is it like? Is there anything fun to do there? What activities and stuff can you do??




  1. I haven't been to Hawaii ,my parents have (when they were younger as well) and absolutely loved it -at either place there is snorkeling, beaches, in Hawaii you can ride  bikes into the Volcano's I hear (not active ones obviously) , there is  ALOT to do at Paradise Island ,Bahamas at the Atlantis resort. You can snorkle, swim with the dolphins, parasail , go to the largest water park ( and the most beautiful) you have ever experienced- check it out at - IT IS TOTALLY AWESOME!!!

  2. Hawaii you don't need a passport, Bahamas I think you do.

  3. The Bahamas is located in the Atlantic Ocean and considered part of the Caribbean.

    Hawaii is part of the USA and is located in the Pacific Ocean.

    The Bahamas has many islands and a fun place to sail, snorkel, dive, swim with the dolphins, fish,sightsee, hang at the beach and shop. The ocean has different colors blue through out the islands. The beaches are white sand and the water is very clear and usually very flat (no waves) unless a big storm is coming. The summer is their rainy season. The temp can get cool in January and then it starts to warm up.

    Hawaii is very cultural and different climate. Six islands make up Hawaii. They go through seasonal changes like in winter they get rain. The water is dark blue and could be very choppy with lots of surf. There is a lot to see and do in Hawaii. Golf, swim, scuba dive, fish, hike, sightsee and just relax on the beach. The one thing that amazed me is every type of flower/plant grows in Hawaii. The soil is volcanic. The orchids are beautiful.

    On the big island of Hawaii, on one side you can be in shorts and on the other side see snow.

    There is so much to say about both areas but no enough room on this page.

    Enjoy the links)
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