
(Hawaiian Flowers )Can Anyone tell me what Fragrant flowers they use in Traditional Hawaiian Lei making?

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I thought it was Orchids but they are not fragrant from what I know but the clipping from this plant looks sort of like a desert rose clipping and the person selling theses had Leis and clippings for sale and had said this is what the hawaiian use but I can not think of any plant that has the almost bark like apperance as it grows as this does .It looks sort of wood like If anyone knows what I may be talking about me feel free to give me an idea Thanks




  1. Frangi Panni is the flower

    Plumeria is the classic Hawaiian leis tree. Its flowers are the ones used to form the colorful, tropical flower necklaces (lei) every tourist to our 50th state wears during at least one beach party

    Native to Tropical America, from southern Mexico, northern South America and the West Indies, Plumeria is rated a small tree, to about 15-18 feet and is seen in a variety of solid colors. We have seen some grow much larger

    The flowers are about 2 inches long, arranged in 5 petals, are waxy and fragrant. It blooms in spring and through all the summer months

    The tree itself is multi-branched and holds thick foliage. The young tree has green wood on the trunk and branches which become more gray as it matures.  Seeds look like this...

    click pic to enlarge

    Plumeria is related to Oleander, Periwinkle and Allamanda

    It has many common names throughout the tropical world including:

    Dead Man's Finger (Australia)

    Jasmine de Cayenne (Brazil)

    Pagoda Tree or Temple Tree (India)

    Egg Flower (southern China)

    Amapola (Venezuela)

    Plumeria-Frangipani is deciduous losing all its leaves in winter. It can look awful without its leaves. Here a staghorn fern is growing in this frangipani

    Folks who feel their Plumeria requires pruning should wait until the dormant period is well along then cut for shape

    Many who grow Plumeria as a houseplant get very upset in the fall and winter months as the leaves start to look sick and fall off one by one. It's natural.  Water should be at absolute minimum during all dormant months

    This tree prefers full sun or shifting shade and hot weather during blooming months. Not too fussy for soil conditions, Plumeria can grow fairly close to the beach, but without full wind. Enriched soil is preferred and good drainage should be provided

    The classic Plumeria is the rubra. Rubra can be found with flowers in various tones of red. Other available varieties include:

    Plumeria alba (white)

    Plumeria obtusa (white with yellow center)

    Plumeria obtusa 'Singapore'

    Plumeria 'Nosegay Frangipani'

    Plumeria rubra 'Tricolor'

    Many hard-to-find varieties are shown at the Virtual International Plumeria Society

    The hot new Plumeria in South Florida is the Plumeria pudica.  Plumeria pudica blooms as many as 10 months a year and has only partial leaf drop during winter.  Foliage is unique as well


    click pics to enlarge

    New are the dwarf Plumerias. The best one we have seen was planted in a 18-inch terra cotta bowl set on a pedestal. Because of the plant's full leaf habit and many stems, it looked somewhat like a bonsai plant. In the spring and summer, it blooms like the standard Plumeria. With blooms at eye level, the dwarf was a real show stopper

  2. Hibiscus look very much like the ones they use in decorations, but they don't have much of a smell either.  And Hibiscus blooms spend very quickly, usually only lasting a day or two on the plant.

  3. Try Plumerias. I grow these in Arkansas and sell cuttings. Do a websearch and I am sure you will find pictures of them. I have different varieties and colors.

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