
Hawk & Snake, Fish & Snake, Symbolism?

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A few days ago I saw a hawk flying carrying a snake, thought wow that's not something you see everyday. Then yesterday was walking along a stream saw a snake and of course was curious the kind so I poked at it, it swam into the water and what do you know large fish comes up and bites it, twice before it can get away. Wow! This is weighing heavily on my mind is this sometype of symbolism or not? I'm a devout Christian and normally would not even think twice about this but I don't know. Any educated thoughts?




  1. Wow quite interesting. I too would've taken note of this myself had this happened to me. First off you have the hawk. Hawks have the keenest vision of all the birds. They are seen as visionaries and messengers.Their realm is the sky which between humans and the higher being. They travel back and forth. Snakes represent transformation death and rebirth (growth). Fish also mean transformation.They symbolize deep knowledge (the subconscious mind), It sound like your are going to go through some challenging changes Look at the full picture of of whats going on around you and not just the surface. From what you stated this is how I would interpret this. I have looked up some links for you. You may get something different. Peace to you.

  2. Snakes are the symbol of many different things. They are revered in China and India as being one of the most powerful symbols of wisdom. I Native American cultures they are a symbol of sexuality, change (because they shed their skin), and the connected-ness of life and the universe.

    Snakes are very fascinating. I can't really help you with what your particular sencerios, but if any one of the symbols seems right to you, know that it probably is :D Good luck.

  3. yes snakes are being killed and its all your fault stop looking at stuff

  4. I'm a devoted Christian and I believe in astrology and signs. Astrology isn't magic, it's the alignment of stars and planets...and signs are life finding and complicated way to tell us something. Snakes are dying. Remember snakes are the root of evil (Satan being a snake)...think about it, they are DYING!!!

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