
Hawk in my backyard?

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okay first I didn't care

I couldn't tell if it was a hawk or owl because it has a white area and short beak

now im afraid because i have a teacup maltease which is very very very small...i have two more dogs but they are fat

the hawk poops every where, and when i came home today i saw the bones and wings of a this is serious.

i want to kill it but i dont have a gun, oh and theres two i saw once, and they sit on my car

i wont call the animal people if i have to pay




  1. you don't pay for animal control...your tax dollars do that for you.  Give them a call and see what they can do for you.  Owls are mainly noctournal, so more than likely theyr'e hawks.

  2. Start keeping the maltese inside. You'll have to clean up after it but it's worth it's life, right? Call animal control and see what they can do for you.

  3. Call animal control.  You may also be interested in calling a wild life preserve.  Don't let you Maltese outside.  These birds are very stong with stong feet.  They swoop down, pick up an animal, fly up high enough and drop the animal on the ground to kill it.  Then they swoop down and eat it or take it back to their nest.  Very dangerous even around small children.

  4. If you've seen the bird I'm inclined to think it's a hawk.  Owls have huge eyes, if you saw an'd know it.

    Call animal control, they won't charge you...but some useless offices won't do anything either.  In the meantime...

    Litter or paper train your maltese and keep a close eye on your other dogs (not knowing myself how big they are, you only say they're fat).  Some hawks have been known to kill dogs larger than you'd imagine they'd be capable of killing.

    I'd also let the neighbors know what's been sniffing around...those birds will eat kittens, rabbits, small dogs, and even if someone has their pet bird outside in a cage, it can swoop down and steal the whole cage.  When they drop the cage, the bird flies out (if it survives the fall) and guess what ask the neighbors to put away any bird feeders for a week or two.  The feeders are attracting small birds to the area, which attracts the hawks (they eat small birds and finding them at a feeder is easy pickins).  Putting them away for a couple weeks will likely convince the hawk to move on to easier hunting ground.  Hopefully far enough away that when the feeders are replaced and the little birds come back, the hawk will be long gone.

    Good luck.  We have hawks all over the place here, I live in farm country and they keep close eye on the fields for anything that might be scampering through them.

  5. try to grab it ur self =) or shoot it with a watergun

  6. Hawks are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and you cannot so much as harass, or harm this bird in any way...let alone kill it.  No one is going to kill this bird for you either...still illegal.  You could end up paying a huge fine and do jail time.  The hawk ate a pigeon...big deal...this is what it is suppossed to is eating in nature.  How would you like it if someone shot you for eating a hamburger in a restaurant.  Not sure why you think an animal eating in nature is such a crime.  If you are so concerned about your dog..then don't let it ouside unattended.  Also, hawks are not capable of carrying much weight..usually they can carry half their weight.  An average hawk weighs about  2 if your dog weighs 1 lb a hawk may be able to lift it off the ground..if it weighs more than that, you have nothing to worry about.  Once again...if you care about your dogs don't let them run loose as there are animals more dangerous out there

    than hawks that will eat your dogs.

  7. call the dec or your local animal shelter. they may offer advise. keep your dogs inside as they will hunt to feed
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