
Hd Projector info - resolution,brightness etc??

by  |  earlier

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i want to buy a 100" glass beaded,hd ready screen and a hd projector.there is someone on ebay selling both from his shop.he gives the details as 'lumens' but ive never heard of that brand before.i also want a 1080i resolution.what brightness-key features should i look for when buying.i am a novice regarding projectors so any help/advice would be welcome.thanks




  1. I would recommend against buying a glass-beaded screen. This is 1970s technology, and any modern projector will have enough light output that a standard matte white screen (1.0 gain) will work fine. The trouble with glass beaded screens is that they are retroreflective, which means the majority of the light is reflected back in the direction that it came from. This is fine if you're sitting behind a desk-mounted projector, but if you have it mounted up towards the ceiling, the image will be a lot darker than you'd expect.. Also, glass beaded screens cannot be cleaned if they get dirt on them.

    Digital projectors cannot display 1080i. What they CAN do is display 720p or 1080p, and will convert 1080i to whatever resolution they are built around. Whether or not you should buy 1080p or 720p depends on how far you are sitting from the screen (plus your budget). If you are more than about 10' away from the screen, you probably won't notice a difference.

  2. lumens Is the measure of brightness! not the brand.

    if you go 1080 dont go 1080i go1080p  but there is a price premium.

    i have a 720p panasonic that is awesome with bluray, even dvd's look incredible, so 1080p isnt imperative and costs A LOT  more.

    and believe me i'm picky about image quality, i'm a professional motiongraphics artist/ 3d animator :-)


    added a link to a shot of my projector picture playing a standard dvd on a wall, no fancy screen.  picture is about 8ft

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