
Hd dvds help??

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Can I watch hd dvd's on my normal dvd player?? If not is this why they are so cheap as hardly anyone has a hd dvd player?? What kind of device do I need to play hd dvd's if a normal once isn't compatible? Thanks.




  1. Well strangely enough you need an HD DVD player to play HD DVDs, DVD players don't cut it because of the different lasers used to read each format. The format war between HD DVDs and Blu-Ray went to Blu-Ray's favour leaving suppliers with a surplus of almost useless HD DVDs and players so, just as Betamax cassettes were and VHS cassettes still are being sold for ridiculously low prices so are HD DVDs and players cheap now.

  2. No you cannot play HD-DVDs on a standard DVD player (as it can't cope with the higher definition).

    The reason HD-DVDs are so cheap now is because they lost the format war with Blu-Ray and so retailers are trying to get rid of their HD-DVD stores as quickly as possible so they can concentrate on Blu-Ray.

  3. Hey dude, HD dvd's wont play in a regular DVD player and as already pointed out the reason that they're so cheap is because BluRay has become the dominant high def format. Because of this they won't be producing any future HD dvd's and most of the HD films that are not currently available on BluRay, are scheduled for release soon (EG- heroes season 1, transformers and Terminator 2). It's not something you should invest in to be honest as it's a dead format now.

    I have an Xbox 360 with the HD dvd drive and I'm slowing replacing my HD dvd films with BluRay.

    If you really want to then you can pick up an HD dvd player for £75-£100.

    Then again the Sony BluRay players now retail for £150 so it may be worth while saving up a little more and going for the current winner.

    Hope this helps.
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