
He,she.they.them.we all want pies and stay cool for ever so WHO is making this war and killing each other who

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there is some things in sied each one of us a monster ?




  1. Whenever there is a military, there will be war. It's their job to fight: what they train for and practice for and eventually hunger for. Part of that training is meant to desensitize the troops to normal reactions and prevent panic in critical situations. Another strategy is to fight from long distances, to mask the horror and prolong the battle. So you can't really say the military troops are monsters, except for the aberrations. Instead it is the commanders who plan offensives and the manufacturers who dream up new ways to kill that are the monsters. There is no promotion without glory for the commander and no profit without sales for the bomb maker.

    All the people crying for peace you see add up only to the minority of victims and idealists and brave political activists who choose to express dangerous views in public. What you don't notice is a greater number of voters or influential persons must have encouraged and allowed the military build-up and strangled negotiations that caused the conflict to begin. The blame lies no only on the people who voted for leaders who start wars, but on us all for not relentlessly objecting to abuse and neglect of any our fellow citizens of the world.

  2. First of all this is not a dining out question unless you plan to eat the dead, might be a Sydney thing? Second which war, the American/Iraq,(over oil) or Israel/Palestine (religious) or the multiple wars in Africa (poverty/ethnic). As you say we all want a piece of the pie, and yes we are willing to kill for it. No we are not monsters we are following the basic instinct that the strong survive to reproduce. War is when we set aside our nice moral social standards that allow us to to live in a society and we are allowed to act in a contrary way. Basically kill or be killed to achieve the goals that we believe will help us to survive.

  3. Bush

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