
He's Leaving Me To...?

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Go live with his nana. Apparently he cant afford to live with me anymore. But still wants me to be his gf. Although I know he will just use me.

We're staying in this place until the lease ends. How should I be with him? Nice not nice? I mean he's being over the top nice which makes me even more upset.




  1. If he's upsetting you he's not worth the aggro. Willing to let you struggle, while he sponges his nana; whatta man!..

  2. he shouldnt leave you so heee could have  a roof over his head.   instead you should all find a place together.  he sounds selfish to me and hes just looking out for himself.   leave the dude why wouldnt he at least take u with him.  cuz hes selfish.  s***w him tell him to kick rockz

  3. Be nice and don't burn any bridges, you never know, but find another boy friend. You deserve better.

  4. Well he's obviously having financial difficulties so that's good that he doesn't want to burden you with them. Just be understanding and wish him the best. Hope he gets his finances back on track. He's probably being extra nice to you because he doesn't want to lose you. It must have taken a lot for him to decide to move back in with Nana.

  5. let his nana have him

  6. Get rid of him, he didnt take you with him. He doesnt care about you really :-(

  7. Be nice back why let him leave with bad thoughts of you if you kill him with kindness he just might want to stay with you.

  8. dont let him use you get rid and find a man who appreciates  you

  9. no

  10. This is what happens when people live together the mystery goes.

    If you had not moved in together but he moved to his nana from wherever else he was living at the time, would it matter ?

    I think your relationship is over and ruined because you lived together, the excitement has left your relationship and it has been proven he does not want to live with you anymore.

    Move on, and dont co habit anymore until you are married.
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