
He's asking me to jump into bed with him already?

by Guest59952  |  earlier

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I really liked this guy..

but he said to me tomorrow he's got his friends free flat or half an hour

and I'm not stupid i know what he's implying..

I've known the guy a month now..

and we get on like a house on fire..

but it would be wrong to just jump into bed with him so soon

but he's not the type to just ditch me and leave me if you know what i mean?

he's caring and that..

I dunno...

has anyone slept with there partner a couple of months of knowing them and still together years later?

I'm not saying that i'm going to like.. marry him or anything but i just don't want to be used..

I'm old enough to know what i should and shouldn't do but I'm just asking for an opinion or guidance maybe?





  1. Punch him in the face.

    So... Should i just expect best answer?

  2. If you dont feel comfortable "jumping into bed" with him yet...then dont!

    there is no rule book for time limits etc...

    he should respect you if you dont sleep with him...

    I did sleep with my present partner within a month....BUT my situation was probably different to yours...and in reflection I should have waited....

    But we have been together for over 7 years now and have a lovely little girl...

    anyway...half an hour??....Id tell him its not nearly long enough for the fantastic time you would both have....and make him wait a bit longer...


    Good luck whatever you decide....x

  3. well if hes not the type to ditch and leave you...then im sure hed understand!

    maybe he just wants to spend time with you alone, where noone is bugging you or whatever! sometimes its just nice to have a free house even if you arent planning on doing anything! :)

    maybe you should say to him lightly that ur not ready for hanky panky!!

    im sure if hes that decent then hel say hes willing to wait for you blah blah all that jazz..

    if hes not then hes not worth it!!


  4. Either he really is trying to get in your pants or he really cant resist you.

    Its simple dont do it if you dont want to ok be strong

  5. i wouldnt sleep purely for the reason he expects you to sleep with him and the cheek of him for thinking that!!

    however i did sleep with my ex after 2/3 dates but he was my mate for 6 months and we were both pretty drunk but we went out for a year and a half after.

    if you know he might just be using you for s*x and your not happy with that then dont do it but if your not bothered than go for it, either way make sure its what you want.

  6. Only half an hour? he's rushing it a bit isn't he. Tell him to sod off.

  7. i know you will hear this a thousand times but dont be rushed into something you may regret

    i slept with a boyfriend of 2 months and after that it was all sexual we stopped going out and having fun it lasted about a month then before i ended it

    good luck x

  8. i woudlnt go for it in just a month of knowing him. me and my girlfriend waited 4 months but it also depends on you, if you feel comfortable then go ahead.

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