
He's drunk and hurting us, how can we get him to quit?

by  |  earlier

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My moms bf is now a drunk, and he claims he always has been, and he says its who he is and he wont change. Last night he had my mom in tears, and he wouldnt have the decensy to talk to her because he thinks she doesnt accept him for him and she does. They have been dating awhile now and he has been a great guy until I left (other story) so now he drinks everyday until he get drunk, i mean p**s-*** drunk. I'm 18 years old and last night he said that when he came to my house he was tryuing to get lucky with my mom, should I have stood up and beat his ***? Just wondering, please give me solutions so I dont hurt him...




  1. Leave him NOW!!!!!

  2. Tell your mom to leave him/kick him time he does this call the police! Don't be afraid! Make your mom more important then fear.

    Call for help.

  3. hmm, well i know where your comming from

    my mom picks up ***** from bars and

    of course theyre drunks,

    BUT talk to your mom, tell her she doesnt deserve that.

    she shouldnt stick around if he verbaly [sp?] abuses her

    it could and probably will turn into physical abuse.

    tell her to break up with him.

    or maybe talk to him and tell him

    he'd better shape up or ship out

  4. Dont let him drink there.Tell him if he is going to drink to go somewhere else and do it.And by all means dont ever drink with him.

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