
He's got the life of Riley?

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I used to hear that saying from my Dad sometimes. Does anybody know the orgin of it or where it even comes from and the meaning of it?




  1. To live the life of Riley means to live an easy life, often in the lap of luxury.

    According to The Concise Oxford Dictionary, "The life of Riley/Reilly" is slang for "a carefree existence" "(20th c; orig. unkn.)"

    I am not sure, but the origin might be from the chorus of the old Irish song called 'Is that Mr. Reilly?' (1882).  Here is how it goes:

    Is that Mr. Reilly, can anyone tell?

    Is that Mr. Reilly that owns the hotel?

    Well, if that's Mr. Reilly, they speak of so highly,

    Upon  me soul, Reilly, you're doin' quite well.

    Here is a joke about Reilly:

    Did you hear about the man who was living the life of Reilly?

    Mrs. Reilly's husband came home.

    I am only guessing about the origin.

  2. "Living the life of Riley" suggests an ideal life of prosperity and contentment, possibly living on someone else's money, time or work.

    It was a show.

  3. James Whitcomb Riley was a poem writer in the 1880's and his poems depicted a life a prosperity.  When people say 'the life of Riley' they refer to a life of liesure and pleasure with no worries of money.

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