My cousin is "engaged" and getting married next July. She choose me to be her maid of honor. But i'm having probs with this whole wedding! i'm trying to be happy for her, but her "fiance" does not work (and hasen't for the two years they have been together), she bought her own engagment ring (off and wedding band, and bought him and engagment ring. he does nothing but sit at home, and uses her money. He still isn't 100% sure he wants her daughter to call him "dad" or be a REAL father to her. I think the only reason he would do this is cause she takes care of EVERYTHING. we got into a big fight about two weeks ago and it did nothing. she just can't see. i want to be happy for her but i just can't cause he is NOT good enough for her! what do i do!?!?!?!?!?!?!