
He's taking me out should i drive and let him have a drink?

by  |  earlier

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He's taking me out should i drive and let him have a drink?




  1. are you mad ......he will always expect it .......get a taxi or he drives

  2. no get ataxi then you both can drink.

  3. noo hes taking u out u drink and he drives XD

  4. Depends how you view people when they're in drink and you're sober.  Nice gesture but depends how early on the relationship is.  Start as you mean to go on.  On even ground.

  5. Are taxi's in short supply where you live, or are you teetotal.

  6. No more than one drink With dinner if he drives... otherwise you have to make a wise choice to do the driving which of course means you can't drink.

  7. If it is his treat he should drive.

  8. YES! what a nice gesture

    but only if he normally does the driving

  9. I think it would be better if you got a taxi, or even go somewhere close you could walk , so you could BOTH enjoy the night a meal without a glass of wine is no fun.

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