
He's the Cheese to my Macaroni?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so this guy and I were best friends for about.. 3 months. And after a while, we both admitted we liked each other more than friends. But-we didn't date because we didn't want to ruin our friendship. One day, about 2 months ago, he called me and told me he wanted nothing to do with me. My heart was broken and I avoided him for about a month. Now - I see him everyday, and my feelings are the same. He tries to say hi to me in the hallways, but I ignore him because I'm to nervous to talk to him. I have no idea what to do?! Help!




  1. Thats pretty cruel for him to do.

    People like that, they don't deserve you. Why put your thoughts, and effort, into someone who doesn't look at you the way you look at them?

  2. Just try to talk to him, it seems he regreats saying that to you and wants to sort things out.;...

  3. Lol I love the Juno reference

    Anyway, I've been in this exact situation. I think what happened is that it probably just became awkward since you both admitted your feelings and nothing happened.

    Talk to him and clear the air. He probably feels just as awkward as you, and avoiding you might have been the simplest way to fix the problem in his mind.

    Dont let this ruin your friendship. You'll be sorry if it does

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