
He Forgot About Our Date, Should I give him another chance?

by  |  earlier

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He called me last Sunday and said he wanted to take me out before he went out of town, which was this weekend. I told him, fine tell me the time and place and I'll be there.

The week went by and it was Thursday and he hadn't made any plans or said anything about us going out. I sent him a text message saying if you're still trying to take me out before you go out of town let me know. I went bowling after I sent the message & missed two of his calls. I text him the next morning and didn't get a response. When I called him he said he was busy at work and then when he text me back later that afternoon, he'd said that he'd left work early and was on his way out of town for his trip. I told him he was on my S**t list because he forgot about our date. he said that we'd been working 15 hour days, he asked me to please to let him make it up to me. I told him I'd have to think about it, because I don't like that type of stuff.

He sent me a text yesterday saying he was thinking about me and I didn't reply.

Should I give him another chance or what? My friend said, don't let one mistake ruin it, but I was really offended.




  1. It didn't sound to me like he forgot the date. You said that he texted you that night and you missed two of his calls? Maybe he was trying to call you to re-schedule because he got held up at work.

    That is a hard situation though because a relationship is definetly harder when someone puts work first all the time, but then again it shows that he is responsible and he will make a steady income for a future family!

    I would say...give him another chance. But, only one more!! See how it goes..if you like this guy then it will be worth it, but if she seems to caught up in his work all the time than maybe that is a sign to stay away.

    Follow your heart!

  2. Maybe in the calls you missed, he was trying to tell you that he was leaving early...give him another chance.

  3. The answer for your question really depends on what you are looking for in life.  Are you looking for someone to date casually and have fun?  Are you screening potential mates?  If you want to have fun, don't worry so much about it and cut him some slack.  You have probably had hectic times in your life that you can relate to him with.  However, if you are looking for a more serious relationship... Take a good and hard look at his lifestyle.  Is he a workaholic that will always put his career above family life?  Do you think you can deal with being someone lost in the shuffle of a busy schedule?  Do you think he is sincere in his communication to you?  Bottom line is for you to go with your gut instinct.  I think you already know the answer and are just looking for some validation to back you up.  No one of us knows your situation the way you do.  Do you think being with this guy will make your life a better place?  If not, keep looking....  Don't settle for anything less than you deserve.  Generally, men do not get MORE considerate as you get into a relationship with them.  If he is already blowing you off, what will it be like in 5 years?????

  4. Normally, I'd say that if someone forgets a date with someone, then they prob. weren't excited about it to begin with.  But this guy initiated it, and he did call you when you were out bowling.  It's also important to remember that he had a trip planned and things probably got really hectic for him.  It was nice that he sent the text saying he was thinking about you.  I say, be a little forgiving and give him another chance...see how the date goes and keep an eye on him.  If you let it go over this, you may regret it later and it may be too late.

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