
He. If arachnophobia is the fear of spiders then...what is the fear of these called!! Link below!!?

by Guest62278  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike Is the rational fear of them still arachnophobia? Curiosity!




  1. Arachnophobia is no just the fear of spiders. It is the fear of Arachnids, including scorpions... that is not a spider, but it's still an arachnid and we should all be scared of them!

  2. Yes because its still part of the Class Arachnida which is where the word Arachnophobia comes from.

  3. Phobias are a psychological disorder that only relate to an _irrational_ fear of something.

    A rational fear of something with the real possibility of causing pain or damage is not a disorder; and therefore can not be classed as a phobia.

    For example a fear of clowns is generally taken to be irrational and therefore is a disorder called Coulrophobia.

    However a fear of having your wallet stolen is a real and significant danger and is not a phobia.

  4. To all those people who said Arachnophobia isn't just the fear of "spiders" it is. It doesn't come from the word Arachnid, it comes from the Greek word Arachne - Spiders.  

  5. yup..thats arachnophobia embodied

  6. No of course not.  For these beast it becomes a two word name;-

    Common Sense!

  7. Yeah, because its still in the class Arachnid, which is what arachnaphobia comes means. Fear of arachnids(which includes scorpions). But still, who wouldn't at least be a little scared about that?

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