
He Proposed to Me Today, Please Help....!!!!?

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Yesterday I asked a question about if I should sleep with my boyfriend. After reviewing the answers I realized that only I could decide, so I called him and arranged to have dinner at his penthouse at 7 today, and I was going to bring some lingerie or something. But then at like 1:30 a.m. (I was in a big t-shirt, and sweat pants, and no make-up on,) and he told me that I looked beautiful the way I was. We slept together, and then he went home in the morning. Around 10:00, he came back in a t--shirt that said "Will you marry me?", and he had a $13,000.00 ring in his hand. (His parents put away$15,000.00 for when he wanted to get married.) Of course I said yes (I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!!)

But a while after he left,... I started to think that 20 years old is too young to be engaged. I can give him the ring back (it has a 90-day guarantee,) But I'm just not sure if I should accept it.

What should I do?

Please Help Me!!!




  1. keep it,,,you said you love him and you don't want to mess that up right,,,,and no 20 is not to young to be engaged,,,,,and you guys can have a long engagement if you want,,,,,,,,,,,,,my sister was married by the time she was 20,,,,,,,follow your heart,,,,,,your in love right so just go with it,,,,,,and i can tell he loves you to,,,,,,,,,,,I to just got engaged this year and we are getting married in 3 years,,,,,,,people get engaged and married at all ages just embrace it,,,,love it,, and most of all enjoy it,,,,,,,your loved for who you are,,,,,,,,,,

    best wishes hope this helps


  2. No age is to young to get married if you are truly in love!  You need to ask yourself if you can see yourself spending the rest of your life with him and if you want kids with him.

    When you think of him being the last person you will ever date, sleep with, does that make you feel?  If you feel good/great and love the idea than keep the ring and have a long engagement...

    If you don't like the idea or are unsure than give the ring back...

    Just be fair to yourself and to him.

  3. I got engaged at 20.

    We're getting married shortly after my 23rd birthday.

    2.5 yr engagement.

    Take your time, live with him for a while before you get married, and don't get married because you feel like you have to due to be engaged. You can always break off an engagement.

  4. Well.... if you.. and I don't mean this to sound mean, but if you have to write and ask the people in Yahoo Answers if you should get married or not -- then I don't think you're ready. You're young. You have plenty of time!  You're all caught up in the emotion of love, s*x, feelings etc -- Wait. Just tell him you need some time.... believe me, marriage is not all about lovey-dovey feelings and romance and rings and white dresses - it's about commitment in the hard times when you're sick of the sight of him and want to leave, ha ha -- there are a lot of ups, yes, but there are downs too -- I would say.... just breathe, ha ha -- relax.... and tell him you really need to think about this a little more.  :-)

  5. You can be engaged for years and years.  Discuss with him how you feel.

  6. yay congratz!

    well...why are u havin doubts already???

    if u really want this go for it im gettin married at 22 so exctied and its right for us been together since we were 15 own our own house etc

    it depends on the couple


  7. My parents were engaged when they were 17. You're not young. Get married and get a life you'll be happy.

  8. Just because you are engaged doesn't mean that you have to get married right away.  If you really feel you are not ready to be engaged then do what you think is right and give it back..  I just feel if you know he is the one you want to spend the rest of your life with then don't break it off, just make it a long engagement.  Good Luck with whatever you decide.  

  9. long engagement?

  10. Well, I personally don't think that 20 is too young.  I am 21 and just engaged, and I wish he had asked me sooner.  BUT, if YOU think it's too young for YOU, then instead of giving him back the ring, you can just plan the wedding for a year or two away.  But do discuss it with him first, and let him know.  I think that giving the ring back after saying yes, will only break his heart.  Though if he loves you, he will understand, but it's still mean of you to do.

    Good luck, and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

  11. Do you want to spend the rest of your life with him?  Then get married,  It sounds wonderful.  Marriage has a lot more times of sweat pants and no make-up than pretty lingerie times.  If he thinks you are beautiful just the way you are, that's priceless.  Don't consider yourself too young, consider yourself lucky to have found the man of your dreams as soon as you have.

  12. Honey, its ok, obviously this guy is in to you, and if he waited for you to sleep together and THEN made the marriage promise, I think he's a keeper. There's no reason why you can't have a long engagement! I'm sure he'll understand how you feel, and besides, its nrmal to be a little freaked out even if youre happy, this is a big event!


  13. You should have a very long engagement , 3-4 years. But explain this to him, You love him but want to wait until you are both secure in your life and relationship. If he really loves and respect's you, he'll see it your way.

  14. If you're not sure, then it isn't the right time for you. That's a huge sign right there. You can always have a long engagement but since you say you don't know what to do, that means you're not ready and you know that. Don't push it or rush it. Tell him that you do want to get married but as of right now you're not ready and think you're too young. If he truly loves you, he will have problem understanding where you're coming from and waiting until you're ready. :-)

  15. Age is just a number!

    Keep the ring,long engagement!

    My parent was married at 18 and 21, it can work if you guys truly love each other!

    There is some people who get married in their late 40's and don't even make it a year!

    We put too much meaning on age,its the maturity level to decide whether or not you can handle the things,that goes into a marriage!

  16. Being engaged is a big step in a person's life so it's only natural to be second guessing yourself.  Thankfully you're not getting married tomorrow, and most engagements last around a year.  So while yes you're engaged, you're not married, if things don't work out right, you still have an exit.  

    Talk to him about your fears and maybe suggest a longer engagement.  Be honest with him, this man wants to be by your side through good and bad until the day he dies, so when something bothers you, it bothers him as well.  You know you're a good team when you can talk openly with each other, trust each other, and work together to come to a conclusion you both can live with and then still love each other.  

    A while after my fiance proposed to me (maybe a month or so) I started to think the same things, like is he really the one, am I too young, etc. I talked to him about it, and was very honest.  I said I was nervous about us making the wrong decision.  We talked until 3AM about how it's such a big step and it's scary to determine the rest of your life when you're so young (we're 22 and 23).  We also ended up talking about what we wanted from life, our goals, how we wanted to raise kids, and how we'd work through future issues.  In the end we came to the decision that we're a great team as long as we work together and that we love each other more than the world.  Then we started talking about our dream wedding and eventually fell asleep.

    Talk to him.  Be honest.  Remember you've got time.  Good luck.

  17. my cousin got married at 20.  they have been married 5 years now so its possible to be happy.

  18. I don't think it is too young.  Like the others, I think that you should have a couple year engagement.  Here's a question though... if he came in and said it wasn't a $13,000 ring, it was a $13 ring, would you still marry him?  I know that the amount of money is impressive, but make sure it isn't blinding you.  If the ring has a 90 day return policy, then you still have 89 days to return it.  If these feelings don't go away, or they get stronger, then re-evaluate.  As it is, I would say go for it! (Although, I would be sooo nervous to have a ring that spendy.  I would rather have a nice little ring and a big ceremony than a big ring and a $2000 ceremony. And I wouldn't want to lose it!)

  19. 20 is not too young. If you love him, thats all that matters. Just have a longer engagment....1-2 years. Good Luck & Congrats on the Engagment!

  20. i'm turning 18 in less than a month & i'm getting married in february..

    reading your question would make me think twice, if i didn't already know exactly what i want in life.

    people talk about being 'too young' to be married & so on, but look at our grandparents who were married at 14 or 15 and have been married 50 years or longer! they found love & knew what they wanted in life, so it was what they achieved.

    that is how my life is going. i'm engaged to the man of my dreams, we have a home to live in, i am in school to be a nurse & he is already working (making plenty of money to support the both of us)

    if you're unsure, just have a longer engagement-that is, however, if you love him!

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