I'm 23 years old and have been with my 24 year old boyfriend for 5 years now. We have lived together for 3 years and 2 of those years have been in our own place. I really want to be engaged. However my boyfriend don't seem to enthused. We talk about it alot and he even took me to a jewelry store (because I dont wear jewelry) to get some ideas and get sized. That was a year ago! But the business card and my size is still sitting on the fridge. Some days he acts like he's all for it talking about honeymoons, and children, but then somedays he makes comments like your pretty much already my wife and refers to me as his old lady! Which I am, I do laundry, cook, clean, and all the other stuff.Sometimes it seems like he's having his cake and eating it to. I don't really plan to be married for another 2 years but to me that seems like a perfect engagement period. He has a really time consuming job 24 hour shifts, and it leaves me home alone ALOT, I'm talking birthdays, holidays, the works.... So sometimes I feel like if he never really plans to be married then spending Christmas alone and with friends, isnt really worth it. I mean I want a family of my own to spend it with someday ya know?? I'm confused and don't know if it is time to give up... What do you think?