
He accidentally gabbed my boob?

by  |  earlier

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me and my best friend were joking around before the movie started and i took his phone and was looking at it (it was like right at my chest level) and I said "Woow pictures" he tried to take the phone and i moved it and he grabbed my boob. He said sorry like 40 times and I told him it was fine that it was an accident. Now he is acting weird around me what do I do?




  1. this has happened to me once before

    same phone situation lol

    and he kept saying he was sorry

    and i said its fine it was an accident

    and then he started feeling weird about my b***s ever showing and he would always give me his sweatshirt to wear

    it really freaked him out

    so pretend like nothing ever happened

  2. He likes you.


    Trust me.


  3. lol the exact OPPOSITE happened to me! this guy in my class grabbed a note away from me (w/ totally embarresing stuff in it) and started reading it out loud so i tryed to grab it, he pulled it away, and i ended up w/ a handful of his.....lower section =[

    it waz SOOOOOOOOO embarresing! he kept bringing it up tho and making fun of me for it.....i just wanted him forget it! he KNEW it waz an accident! the best thing to do is to act normal! the worst thing is when u make him feel like a fool when u know it waz by accident!

  4. he is just.;.... well i dont know what kind of wierd?shy or he kinda like it and he likes you i dint know what kinda wird please tell more ok  good luck


  5. just tell him stuff like "its ok i no u didnt mean to" or "we're just friends and i no u were just trying to get ur phone its ok"

    he should go back to normal soon

    but u should act normal  around him like nothing ever happened then he'll be fine

    hope i could help!!!

  6. go take care of his wee little erection.

    seriously, how old are you? 9?

    or you could just get it over with and show him your b***s.

  7. lol it was just a accident

    next time u see him act like nothing happened

  8. you obviously want something to happen so "accidentally" show him your b***s. Or grab his thing. Just remember boy at 17, are NOT subtle, they ONLY understand directness. Unless you are unsure if he really wants you. In what way did he say sorry? Like he thinks that he blew his chances with you or like he hopes that you DON'T anything more out of it?

  9. lol he's just embarrased.. he will get over it!

  10. Just try to act normal. Start a conversatino that you would usually have with him. Just because he act's weird doesn't mean you have to. Keep your cool!

  11. hes probably just embaressed

  12. He's embarrased.

    If he's like a brother, chances are it just hit him that... you are a girl!  And that is freaking him out.

  13. its cus hes embarrassed and worried that u still think it was on purpose a bit, and hes worried that it will affect ur friendship

  14. Be like, "Hey, act was an accident last night" then walk away and 'accidentally' slap him butt =p

  15. yeah i agree he's embarrased and  now he's scared you'll make a big deal................ it happens sometimes even with he worst guy...........................only with a cute one is better.................

  16. aaww lol, don't worry it was clearly an accident and he should forget it himself. It will all blow over in a week. Don't listen to some of the idiots that answered this. Oh yeah I was gonna tell you the thing that happened to me, once we were playing basketball in school and this guy accidentally hit me smack dab in the chest, I was fine but it hurt and I let out a "ow!", the guy knew where he hit me and he's like omg omg omg I am sooooo sorry! He kept on saying it too, I'm like no no no it's ok it was an accident! Some people either saw it or heard about it, and it blew over in a few days so don't worry just act normal

  17. Hes just acting a little weird cuz he grabbed your boob accidently

  18. He is embarrassed, really really really bad. Tell him it's OK and you understand it was an accident. It's obvious he didn't mean anything by it because of the way he apologized for it. It may take him awhile to get over it, but he will soon enough.

  19. He's just embarrassed. Don't bring it up..AT ALL.

  20. well if acting normal doesnt work, just tease him about it..., try to laugh it off

  21. i have a brother , but my brother is just a big butt hole , if you knew him you would know that he smacks his sisters butts on purpose but its just to kid. the situation your dealing with isn't one at all , it was an accident trust me , it probably could have been worse. probably the reason your friend isn't  talking much is because he's very embarrassed about what happen , so talk to him more and explain to him that everyone makes mistakes and things like that happen in life. it's o.k. anyways you heard about my brother

  22. He is just embarrassed.  Its no big deal  He'll go back to normal soon

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