
He all I want, he's all I need...? (LONG question...10 pts. for best answer)?

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Okay, so I really like this one boy that goes to my school but I'm not sure if he likes me. I'm 16 and in 10th grade. He is 14 and in 9th grade if that helps any. Please don't say anything mean about the age difference or anything like that, he looks much older than he really is and acts a lot older as well. This school year just began this past Monday. And last year he always gave me signs that he liked me back (I think that they were signs). Here are some of the ones that he gave me...

1) Stared into my eyes and nowhere but my eyes at my locker, in the hallways, and on the bus.

2) He seemed to like to show off a lot in front of me like...his cell phone, wallet, etc.

3) He seemed to get embarrassed a lot in front of me.

4) Most of the time when I would look at him or he would look at me he would blush.


Those were some of the signs from last school year. So lots of things could have changed over the summer.

For the first two days of school this year he barely gave me any signs that he liked me. But of course he was probably just getting used to being back to school. Then on Wednesday he stared at me a little bit. The signs really started on Thursday. Like it's kind of hard to explain but...I was sitting with one of my best friends on the bus. And he sat a couple of seats up in front of me. And I was just day dreaming looking around. Then all of a suden my best friend started poking me and was like "Jesse keeps on staring at you!" I was just like "Oh, well that's nice". Once she told me that I looked up at him and he was staring at me and once he noticed me looking at him he looked away. But his face got real red. That was all on Thursday.

On Friday (yesterday), he seemed to give me even more signs that he liked me. We had a bus evacuation in the morning...if you don't know what that is, it's when you have to run off the bus in case of an emercecey. But anyways, our bus was just sitting there and my best friend was like he is staring at you again. I couldn't really see because he sat behind me that time. And I looked behind me and he was. Then once the bus drives told us to get off the bus. My friend and I walked over to where we all had to meet up at. And he kind of liked followed me and was standing by me the whole time. Then when we had to walk into the school my friend and I were walking right behind him. And we were there talking about where we got our jeans at. Which where we got out jeans is the same store where he got his (it's Pac Sun by the way) And when I said that they were Bullhead jeans he turned around and checked me out. I know he wears those because he is a skateboarder and his friend told me he wears them, for your

Then came lunch Friday afternoon. I went to take my tray up and on the way back I passed his lunch table...and he looked up at me so cute and his face got beat red. It was the cutest thing ever!!

Now I'm going back a little bit. At the beginning of this summer my cousin went to a block party. And the boy I like was there (Jesse). And him and my cousin started talking. My cousin was like "Hey, do you know Courtney and Nicole?" (Courtney is me and Nicole is my twin sister). He was like "Yeah, THEY like me." (I like him but Nicole does not whats so ever). Now the reason why I made they all caps is because, I have no clue where he got that from. He knows that I only like him. Because his best friend told him, my best friend told him. And he never ever gives Nicole any signs that he likes her, only me. Take note that this happened at the beginning of this summer. So I think I should just forget about that part and stop worrying. Don't you agree?

So what I'm trying to get through here is...Does Jesse like me? I know most of you are going to say yes but that "THEY" thing. I'm not sure if I should worry about that or not. Thanks so much for your help. And thank you for reading all of this long annoying question. I will give the best answer 10 points!!




  1. Well Courtney, I don't think you have anything to worry about. I don't think he actually meant the they thing. And it seems very obvious that he likes you. I do a lot of staring at the girl I like myself. Now I know I'm no the only one. I don't think you have anything to worry about. Good luck!

  2. Okay so this is what i think you should do, maybe show jesse some hints that you like him, like flirt and see what he does. It seems like he liked you last night (by all the signs you told me) so over the summer i dont see things changing. As for the thing with you AND your sister liking you, thats odd (kinda didnt understand that) So i cant say anything about that.

    Well best of luck :D  

  3. dang..this is honestly one of the best questions i've read that gives the best information and it really shows that you really want help.

    anyways, i'm pretty sure that he likes you. if he's been giving you all of these signs for the last couple days i'm positive. if people keep on telling you that its odd that you like a freshman and you're a sophomore don't worry a thing about it. its not that big of deal. i know people who are dating that are like that but the grade level is totally different. you like who you like. its not up to them its up to you.

    about the whole "THEY" thing, in my opinion, i think he just said that so then he could just act all cool. since you said that he was somewhat like a show off. don't sit at night worrying about it, never think the negative. its all about positive for yourself to succeed.

    so don't have your friends put you in pressure. do what you want to do.

    another thing..i think he blushes because he may think that you don't like him back. well show him that you do. if he doesn't ask you out why not ask him. its no big deal if the girl asks the guy.

    good luck!  

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