My partner and I have been together for just over a year (we were together 7 years ago and have met each other again). He has a 4 year old son, and we have been discussing marriage and having children etc. Up until I met him I really wanted a baby and now I feel like I don’t want to give him one. I feel like it wont be the same because he has already been through that experience with someone else, I know this sounds immature, but I feel like I can’t share my experience, i.e go to birthing classes, seeing the ultrasounds, feeling the baby kick, as he has done it all before. The excitement of it all will just be with me being the first time parent. I feel that I will be doing it alone. I love his son and we have a great relationship, deep down I really want to have a baby of my own but hate the fact the he has been through it all before and when its my turn it will be 5hit.
Are these thoughts normal and how do I overcome this? I feel like if I don’t snap out of it, it will ruin our relationship, I do love him very much and plan on marrying him.