
He came back home today?

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About 7 months ago my boyfriends dog got out of our house (he's a house dog) and we never seen him again. My boyfriend went to work at 4:30am this morning so I got up and fixed him some breakfast before he left. After he left I laid back down for a little while then got back up at 5:15am to go get the newspaper outside when I noticed something on my front porch. I started walking over to it and it jumped up and started running toward me. It was still dark out so I couldn't tell what it was until it was about 3 feet from me. It was our dog that we've been missing for 6 months and he was so happy to see me and jumped all over me. It looks as if he's been shot before and have teeth marks which appears as if he's been fighting with other dogs. My boyfriend don't get home until this evening but i'm going to take our dog to the vet this morning for a check up etc. How did this dog find his way back home after so long? Also what could be the reason it took him so long to come back?




  1. Someone may have found him when he got away from your house and kept him indoors.  He was finally able to escape.  However, along the way, he must have had some hardships getting home.  The same thing happened to me with a dog AND a cat.  One actually came home wearing a collar I didn't buy.  People are sometimes well meaning when they find pets and keep them, but they should first look for the proper owner.  Anyway, instead of wondering, be THRILLED that your pup is home!  Get him to the vet ASAP and make sure he is well, then spoil him rotten.   YAY FOR YOU!  :o)

  2. Who knows? So much could have happened.  

  3. My guess is that your dog was stolen and used to train fight dogs...It happens, way more than anyone would want to admit...

    How he got away ? Determined little guy !!

    He knew where his home was and his goal this whole time has been to get back home...I hope that the vet gives him a clean bill of health..

    You don't mention how old he is but at whatever age I would recommend giving him a very high quality puppy food for a while because I'm sure that he's at least at little malnurished...Good luck ! And welcome home little bud !!

  4. The 5th answer above me is very ignorant and childish.

    Anyway I am so happy that ya'll dog came back home after so long. Someone could have had him locked up some where or was fighting this poor dog. I'm glad that he's in safe hands again.

  5. Wow Im glad your dog came back!  Could be someone kept him at their house with other dogs.  

    Good for you taking him to the vet though! Hopefully he is ok!

  6. That is so awesome that he came back! I am so happy for you! Someone must have found him and God only knows what they were doing to him. Im so happy that he is finally safe at home.

  7. some dogs like to explore, they run around and sniff and forgot that they ran away, then probably when he remembered he was lost, searching for you he ran into other dogs, then with them he got even more lost because running from them chasing them whatever he does, didnt help, then maybe he smelt your boyfriend and went the other direction, then when you were outside he saw you and is happy again. that is one smart dog, i read online that border collies are the smartest dogs in the world, the second are poodles ( witch is what i have lol)

    you are so lucky and you must be proud that your dog did all that just to be with you,you must be a pretty good owner, keep up the good work!

    hope this helped! and congrats on getting your loved one back

    p.s i do kinda spoil my dog, but not much with food, i spoil him with toys and always take him somewhere fun, i have tons of free time for him.

    Hope he is ok and wont have any problems after the vet.

  8. He probably never got more than a mile away from home.  He might have found some outside dogs to 'play' with and could have eaten with them.  Might have been even taken in with a wild pack?

    I hope none of his injuries are serious.

    Glad to see the reunion

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