
He couldn't get it up!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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in bed with my bf making out and he couldn't get it up...

we waited and still nothing..

whats wrong with me?

we have done it before!





  1. give him some viagra and that should do the trick

  2. ok..........thats weird

  3. you are not hot enough :(

  4. tie a hot dog to his shwing.

  5. Could be stress..or if you were drinking earlier. Number of things. It happens, get over it.

  6. by getting up do you mean erect?? making doesnt make all guys erect, maybe he has more self control

  7. nerves, stress, diabetes, high blood pressure, certain drugs can all cause this.  the first thing is to quit taking it as a personal failure.  a man can be completely turned on and his equipment fail to respond under certain situations.

    in a new relationship, s*x can be a scary thing sometimes.  fear of pregnancy, of bein judged or other things can be so stressful that his body just wont respond.

  8. he got ED or something it has nothing to do with you its him and don't go get another just cuz he cant get stiff that's what a s**t would do (no offensee).

  9. alrite, sum type of way you have to make hem h*rd, rather dat be j**king, s**king, playing wit his d**k or put on a show 4 hem just turn him on in anotha way

  10. Quit freaking out, it happens to the best of us. It probably has nothing to do with you, he just needs to relax you are probably psyching him out.

  11. This can happen to all guys at some stage in their life , young and old

    Why would you look elsewhere just because he cant get an erection , surely you look for more in a guy than just s*x

    If you showed disappointment then this just adds to the stress the guy feels and as you have said you already successfully had s*x so it is not a physical thing

    Next time just take lots of time over foreplay so you both get fully aroused . I think all it will take is for another success and he will be fine , but he needs support ... not dumping !!

  12. your trying to rush your arousal,take more time with foreplay,it's not just the act it's the pleasure that counts,relax and the rest will come...............naturally

  13. it rarely happens to me, but when it did, it was because i had some important things on my mind and just couldn't get in the mood

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