
He doesn't seems satisfied?

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I'm currently 6 weeks pregnant and i'm thrilled..My husband wanted to have a baby..and we were TTC just didn't happen..Today my husband came home from work saying all different kinds of things like "he wishes I would have went to school first" ..WHY didn't he tell me this before I was pregnant! I'm currently a CNA..and I'm not so happy with being a cna and would like to switch to a different career..BUT nothing major like a doctor or what i started naming some of the things i'd like to do..Dental Hygenist..Occupational therapist..AND he keeps saying ..thats stupid to do..because we'd pay for school and you wouldn't even be making enough to pay it back..I truely would just love a little career and spend time with my child..He just seems so unsatisfied???what do you think?




  1. Well first of all you got to realize that trying to balance a child and school for any type of career is going to be extremely difficult. Don't let what you want to do fade away though because life is tough...if your guy loves you or likes you allot (whatever that case may be) then he would stick with your decision. The choice is obviously going to b up to you but definitely stick in the fight. The next couple years are going to be a rough ride, but one that can be accomplished. You will need each other though also!

  2. sounds to me he has just realized the cost of having a baby. best bet is to let him rant just don't fight back. time will past and he will be thrilled your preggers.  Iknow right now it is probally hurting your feelings but you need to remember hes a guy and they aren't that great with sharing there feelings.

  3. It sounds to me like he's just jittery about approaching fatherhood. It's a new and strange thing for men (and women too!) to begin parenthood, so sometimes they get a little mentally weird about it.

    If this gets to be a longterm problem and puts a serious strain on your relationship, I think you should seek marriage counseling.

    But since this is so new-- you said it only started today-- I think he's just having a bad day, and having more pre-new-parent doubts than usual. I think you only need to worry about this if it becomes an ongoing thing or seems to be getting worse.

  4. I went through this stage ... I would gripe about how I wish we would have waited with having a baby till we both finished college or till we moved states ... or till we got our own house or at least till we bought an SUV ... I had so many excuses when all along It was my idea that we should try to concieve ... My husband is very supportive and just stayed quiet while I rant ...

    As time went by I got over all that and then the reality of being a mom got to me and now i am soooo happy im having my son right now ...

    He will get over it! If he wanted the child to begin with just know that its a stage of "feeling un-prepared" and you wont feel prepared till the baby comes ... especially if your first time parents and you dont know what to expect ...

    Congratulations ...and just give him time okay he will get over this stage ...  

  5. It sounds like the pressure of fatherhood has just hit him. Sit down with him and make out a financial plan so that he feels better. Make a plan to get enough money in savings to be ok for a few months if he was to lose his job or if you are unable to work or decide to take more time off of work than expected. Having a safety net will take some pressure off of him.

  6. i am going to school online. there is always time for an education no matter what it is. he is probably freaking out about finances. i have three and we are okay with low paying jobs. we are not rich but living by. just let him know that it will be okay and paying back that money is in low payments over time after you finish school you start paying. any career is better then doing nothing. congrats

  7. I say go back to school you dont have to go full time take a class at a time. apply for a grant and if that dont cover it, pay the rest as you go. Thats what I did (with the exception of having a baby). I got a grant and paid what it didnt cover on a monthly payment plan that the school offered. but i did it full time. Good luck and congrats

  8. his paranoid! His just nervous and doesn't know what to do or say.  tell him that whats done is done.  You are already pregnant and to sit there and think about I should of, could of, is not going to solve anything.  There are plenty of mothers that have done what they had to do and accomplished many things with there kids.  It will work out better if he was a little supportive.

  9. you may be able to get grants to help pay for school, im sure he is emotional also.  you need to do what makes you happy-men come and go(even when your married) and at the end of

    the day you still have a baby

  10. He is scared because the reality of becoming a dad is just a few months away.

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