
He dump me months ago so why is he contacting me now?

by  |  earlier

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He dump me and started to date someone else. Now after 9 months he looks me up and wants to be friends. What gives? acts like nothing has happen in the pass.




  1. That happened with me too!

    First, he was around and then he got away, for one year or so, then he appeared again,lol!

    Many guys are acting weird like that.

    Just show him that you do not want him to get closer, becasue when you were getting closer he went away.

    Best Regards

  2. he wants s*x. dont be fooled into thinking otherwise

  3. sounds like he's feelin bad for the way things went down with you two and wants to really be friends with you. but most likely be friends with you because of his guilty conscience.

  4. its ok...i think its genuine...i think he feels bad and wants to make up

  5. ask him what he wants

  6. Probably cos he's lonely.. or wants to see if he can get with someone fast. Be careful if he just wants to get in your pants, take things slowly!

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