
He ejaculated inside me and the sperm still has not leeked out after 3 days. does this mean that I am pregnant

by  |  earlier

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Me and my wife are two lesbians really trying to have a baby how do I know that I did it right.




  1. Pregnancy test 19 days after the insemination or 7 days after a missed period. Best wishes, G

  2. Not sure if I understand this but even if he didn't ejaculate, because you would have had some leakage if he did, a few might have escaped and if you were fertile you may be, it's a waiting game now!

  3. uhh no im pretty sure that just means you didnt clean yourself correctly its about the sperm reaching your egg it dies off in the air after a certain time im pretty sure, so what i would do is buy a feminine douche & just wait it out buy a pregnancy test and see what happens if not then you just keep trying.

  4. The sperm will leak out when you pee and such. Even if not in a huge amount.

    If you had s*x while ovulating then you could be pregnant. You will just have to wait the 3-5 weeks and test.

    Congrats on you and your partners happiness...I hope you have great luck in pregnancy..::baby dust to you ::

  5. You may not notice it leak out.  Just because a man ejaculates inside doesn't mean u r pg.  U need to be ovulating.  There is only a window of just a couple  days u can get pg.  Get an ovulation predictor kit

  6. Are you a virgin? From men that is? It don't take a rocket scientist to know how that works. If he came in you, then it was done right. Wow! How old are you?

    And if it hasn't leaked out then he came just a little bit. And if you're not ovulating then you won't get pregnant. Get an ovulation detector and try again.

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