I'm a teacher's assistant at this school and one of our newest students in my pre-k class HATES music class. The first day at school he came back from music in tears, i finally calmed him down and asked what was wrong. I talked to the music teacher later on that day and asked what had happend and she said as soon as the class began he began crying, complaning that 'it hurt'. She asked what hurt and he began holding his ears and sobbing.
We figured he just wasnt having a good day and I wrote a note to his parents, the next day his mother sent a note back saying he was just aggravated because he didnt get any good sleep.
Three months into the school year and the problem persists. I dont know what to do, his mother keeps blaming it on lack of sleep and aggravation and the fact that hes still getting used to the school scene. The school nurse says thats what it probably is but i think its something deeper. He's not exausted because he is very active in the class and not sleepy at al