
He hasn't been in contact for 4 days, theres nothing I can do?

by  |  earlier

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I feel sick that this person seemed so interested but hasn't contacted me at all. I sent him an email so he has my email address. He isn't English, but I'm sure he will understand the email. He does have an internet connexion. I can hardly eat or stop worrying. It's not that I am in love with him. I just am confused as to how somebody can show total committment one minute

Then nothing. I guess I must've done something wrong




  1. i think he might be busy or in some kind of difficulties, be a little more patient and im sure he will reply

  2. he prolly just needs space to think or some sort of family emergency came up.

  3. I was like you months before. Honey, don't care about it too much. Our happiness shouldn't be based on another person. I know you feel like he should be crazy about you and he should have contacted you by now. Maybe he isn't. So why get worked up over it? Try to have fun, do things you normally do. Go out with friends. Meet new people. If he contacts you, then great. If he doesn't, no biggie. The important thing is to not be hung up too much on any one person. It will drive you crazy trying to think of reasons for every little thing. It's frustrating because we really won't know the answer unless we directly ask them. But we can't do that now can we? Who knows what goes through the minds of guys. Maybe he likes you, maybe he doesn't. Or then again maybe he likes but not as much as we'd like.

  4. I'm in the same boat at the moment, but my guess is he might just be busy or he's trying to figure out how he really feel about you and is trying to take it slow.

    Not contacting you for a while is maybe his way of trying to get a bit of 'thinking time'.

  5. Were you both dating, or just flirting?.. I'd understand if you were an item, but not if you were just copping on..

  6. You havent necessarily done anything wrong. He still may contact you. How long have you known him? Leave it for a bit. If you havent fallen out as such there's no harm in you contacting him at some point. But dont look desperate!

  7. no no hon. Guys do this all the time trust me lol. You have nothing to worry about if he is preoccupied with other things then let him be. If he wants to get in contact with you he will. Don't show that it bothers you, you gotta keep your own life going, guys love that. You will learn the tricks and games guys play, it's just something they do. He may just be waiting to call, but don't spend all your worries on him you guys aren't together, so go out and meet more guys and have a great time. If a guy wants to make the time he will, if he isn't willing to then whatever his loss. Hope that helps some good luck. :)

  8. Of course you haven't done anything wrong.  Some males are just like this; he sounds like a player.  You are obviously very young; just forget about him, he obviously isn't worth your time.

  9. Leave it for a while if he cares about you'll he'll reply, don't rush him or he may loose interest and run. If you like him as much as you say you do then give him time to recognise if he has feelings for you - if he does that's great and if not move on there WILL be someone else. :-)

  10. the only thing you have done wrong is not get on with your can't control anothers actions ..only your own.

  11. Your not in love with him?, you sound like you are

  12. Lots of people out there, you should have lotsa on line friends. He will get back to you,,, unless he's busy with someone else.

  13. Just wait for another day and see what happens,

    then email him.  

  14. He could just be busy. If you're worried then just drop him another email, there's no harm in that.

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